Let Me Die!

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Wei Ying  look up at Lan Zhan, "Lan Zhan, let me go." Lan Zhan move his head from side to side. "You can't hold onto my hand forever Lan Zhan. Please."  Lan Zhan shake his head again.

Soon Jiang Wanyin arrive to where Wei Ying and Lan Zhan is at. Wei Ying look up, "Jiang Cheng."

"Wei Wuxian!" Jiang Wanyin tone of voice is full of anger and hatred. Out the corner of Lan Zhan eye he see Jiang Wanyin raising his sword above him, "Jiang Wanyin.....stop it!"

"Go to hell!" Jiang Wanyin stabbed the sword where Wei Ying and Lan Zhan hand is at. With a twist of his sword it cracked, Wei Ying removed his hand from Lan Zhan grip. "Wei Ying!"

Wei Ying fall and fall and fall and fall, instead of feeling the hard ground he end up hearing, "Wei Wuxian! How dare you sleep in my classroom?!" Come a loud voice that woke him up.

Wei Ying stand up with a very shock, scare, afraid and many more expressions on his face. He look around the place, he see Lan Zhan, Jiang Wanyin who doesn't have the hatred and anger in his eye and there is Jiang Yanli who is still alive.

"No More!" Wei Wuxian take his sword with him as he ran out of there. 'No more! Why Am I Here!? Why Can't I Rest?! I'm Tire! I Don't Want To Do All Of This All Over Again!"

"Wei Ying!" Lan Zhan run after Wei Ying. When Lan Zhan see Wei Ying at the back of Cloud Recesse, he see Wei Ying putting his sword to his throat. "Wei Ying? Don't...don't...please don't do it." Lan Zhan begged Wei Ying.

"Stay away Lan Wangji! I don't want you to come near me! You hated me after all!" Shouted a very angry, yet upset Wei Ying. 'Why am I back here? Not just here but in the past! I don't want to do this anymore! I don't want to repeat everything all over again!'

"I won't come near you," 'Why would Wei Ying think I hate him?' Lan Zhan stay where he is at.

"A-Xian!" Come a worry Jiang Yanli. Wei Ying walk back ward toward the lake behind him. "Wei Ying!"

Hearing Lan Zhan call out to him like that reminded Wei Ying of the Lan Zhan in the future. When he let go of Lan Zhan hand, Lan Zhan also call out, "Wei Ying"

Wei Ying let himself fall into the water, 'That's right, I don't want to live anymore. I want to rest...I want to rest.' Wei Ying let his body fall deeper, deeper and deeper to the bottom of the lake.

"Wei Ying!" Lan Zhan jump into the water to go save Wei Ying. 'Wei Ying, why are you doing this? Why are you trying to kill yourself?' As Lan Zhan swim deeper deeper deeper and deeper to the bottom of the lake he see Wei Ying body.

Lan Zhan manga to pull Wei Ying up to the surface and out of the water. The only thing is Wei Ying isn't breathing. "A-Xian!" Jiang Yanli went over to Wei Ying side, "he not breathing!"

Lan Zhan begin to push on Wei Ying chest while at the same time he blow air into Wei Ying mouth to give him air. 'Wei Ying! Please breath! Please stay alive! Whatever it is I can help you!' Lan Zhan shouted inside of his mind.

About 2 or 3 hours later Wei Ying cough up the water inside of his lung, "Why? Why? Why? WHY DID YOU SAVE ME LAN WANGJI?! I DON'T WANT TO BE SAVE!" Wei Ying start to hit Lan Zhan chest with his fist.

Lan Zhan is rather confuse and concern to why Wei Ying doesn't want to be save. "Why can't you let me die instead?! Why? Why? Why? WHY?" Wei Ying doesn't care about those around him, he burst out crying as he keep on hitting his fist on Lan Zhan chest.

"Why didn't you just let me die?! Why do you have to save me?! You hate me!  You hate me!"

Jiang Yanli and Jiang Cheng who is watching this is holding each other for comfort. They don't understand why Wei Ying want to die, what happen to him.

Without hesitation or  care about what other people said or see Lan Zhan pull Wei Ying into his arm. Lan Xichen who is watching this take Wei Ying sword and put it in the scabbard.

After a while the pounding and the screaming die down, this mean that Wei Ying got tire, he is now asleep in Lan Zhan arm. "Wangji, why don't you take Wei gongzi to your room?" He then turn to look at Jiang Cheng and Jiang Yanli, "can you two bring Wei gongzi to Wangji room? He need some dry clothes before he catch a fever."

"Okay Zewu Jun, Jie let's go," the two left from there as they head to Wei Ying dorm. Lan Zhan carried Wei Ying to Jingshi, it is the place where he live ever since his mother past away.

When Lan Zhan got to his room, he put Wei Ying down on his bed. 'What happen? Why did Wei Ying personality suddenly change? Why did he think that I hated him? So many questions but no answer.'

A minute later Lan Xichen, Jiang Cheng and Jiang Yanli arrive at Lan Zhan home, "Lan er gongzi, I will change Wei Wuxian clothes. Can you please leave?" Lan Zhan looked at Wei Ying one last time and then left from there.

Lan Xichen look at the close divider and curtain, he turn his attention to Jiang Yanli, "Jiang guniang, have this ever happen to Wei gongzi?"

Jiang Yanli shake her head no, "A-Xian is not that kind of person to commit a suicide like that."

"We should ask Wei gongzi once he wake up? I hope that he can give us some answer to why he did this."

'I hope so too Xiong Zhang.'
How is this first chapter? It will be a slow update, I don't know what else to write for the next chapter yet. When I do, I will let everyone know. So let me know how is this first chapter okay?

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