Chapter XIX (fixed)

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"Damn this Wen clan, they block the entrance. What now Xichen?" Ask Sheng. "We can use our sword," the two take our their sword from their Qiankun pouch. Once their sword is out, the two take a step back, "Ready?" Lan Sheng nodded his head.

"Let's go!" They slashes here and there and more and more until, the rock all fall into medium pieces or small piece. "Let's go find A-Xian," Lan Sheng nodded his head again.

The two rush into the cave, the arrived at the place where Wen Chao cut the rope. Instead of using their sword to maneuver down to the ground below them, they jump down instead since the peddle doesn't hurt them.

"Are you alright, Xichen?" Lan Sheng check here and there on Lan Xichen body. "Yeah, let's go head to where A-Xian is at," with that the two went to the place where Wei Wuxian and the Yao is at.

Once they got to where Wei Wuxian is at, the two see many piece of the monster all over the place. Then they see Wei Wuxian laying on the ground with a sword in his hand.

"A-Xian!" Shouted Lan Sheng and Lan Xichen.

"Xichen, help me carry A- Xian over to the rock," Lan Xichen nodded his head. They take Wei Wuxian over to where Lan Wangji in the future have done.

Lan Sheng begin to check Wei Wuxian pulse and his golden core. "How is he, Sheng?" Asked Lan Xichen.

"He just pass out."

"How long do you think he will be like this?" Asked Lan Xichen.

"Not so sure but if we send in our spiritual to A-Xian, then he will feel better."

Lan Xichen think for a while, "okay let's do it." So the two of them sent their spiritual energy into Wei Wuxian.

'Warm feeling but it didn't feel the same way as Lan Zhan,' as Wei Wuxian opened his eye he see, "Sheng ge, Xichen."

"A-Xian!" They said at the same time again. "A-Xian, how are you feeling?" Asked Lan Sheng.

"A little weak but I'm alright," Wei Ying look down at the sword in his hand. "Is that?" Wei Wuxian nodded his head. Then he remember something, "the war! Lan Zhan!"

"You need to rest more A-Xian. Then we can leave from here," Lan Xichen.

"Xichen is right A-Xian, you need your strength to fly on your sword." 'Also, a lot of strength to fight the Wen clan. I wonder how everyone is doing.'

'No, I can't leave Lan Zhan and his family to fight this war alone.' As Wei Wuxian got up he said, "No, that can wait. We need to get back to help Lan Zhan and your clan. Something doesn't feel right." Without saying anything else, the three of them got out their sword and flew out of there in a fast speed.

When they arrived at Cloud Recesse they still see the fighting still going on, "Xichen! I will go search for Lan Zhan and Master Lan! You go search for your father! Sheng Ge, can you go help those that are injured?!" Wei a Wuxian shouted as they are near Cloud Recesse.

"Okay! Be careful A-Xian!" Lan Xichen went to search for his father. "You two be careful!" Lan Sheng went to help the Lan disciple, lan elder and his healer.

'Lan Zhan! Lan Zhan! Where are you?' Wei Wuxian flew here and there around cloud Recesse searching for Lan Wangji and Lan Qiren. On his searching for the two of them, he also help the Lan disciple along the way.

'No other sect is here. The Jiang Clan is about to get attack. Nie clan is also under attack. Why isn't the Jin clan here? The other clan can't come as well,' that is when he hear, "Leave you good for nothing Wen clan!" He look down to see Lan Qiren fighting 10 Wen disciple by himself.

"Master Lan!"

Lan Qiren look up to see Wei Wuxian heading straight down toward him, "Wuxian!" Wei Wuxian landed in front of Lan Qiren. With one slash of his sword from the left to the right, it take down all 10 Wen disciple.

When the wen disciple is all down, Wei Wuxian went to help Lan Qiren, "Master Lan, are you alright?" Wei Wuxian help take Lan Qiren to the healer. "Yeah, I'm out of spiritual energy."

"Alright just rest up. Where is Lan Zhan?" Wei a Wuxian asked.

"Wangji....Wangji....he went to the library, that is where most of our important book and our ancestors book is at."

'Hold on Lan Zhan.' It didn't take long for Wei Wuxian to arrive at the healer place, "Sheng ge!" Lan Sheng rush to the door, there he see Wei Wuxian with Lan Qiren. "Master Lan!"

Lan Sheng help Wei Wuxian to get Lan Qiren into the room, "he is out of spiritual energy. It will take him time to get it all back." They lay Lan Qiren down on the bed. "I will take care of Master Lan. Have you found Lan er gongzi yet?" Lan Sheng asked as he check over Lan Qiren.

"Master Lan said that Lan Zhan went to protect the Lan library. I'm heading there now."

"Go! If he is hurt then bring him here. I will take care of Master Lan. Also, don't get hurt as well."

"I won't!" With that Wei Wuxian left from there. 'Wait for me, Lan Zhan.'

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