Chapter XXIII

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Let's said three month later (okay?")

3 month later

"Wei Ying?" Wei Wuxian nodded his head, "once the war is over, we will come back here to destory the Yin Hufu. I'm getting the feeling that those whose is greedy they will do everything to get their hand on it."

The two walk toward the entrance, "will this work, Wei Ying?" Lan Wangji asked.

"It will, Lan Zhan. That is how I got out," Lan Wangji step back, Wei Wuxian begin to play on his flute. The more he play the more the shield is shaking very hard. More, more ,more and then the shield shattered into million of pieces.

Wei Wuxian suddenly begin to fall down to the ground but before he hit the ground an arm caught him. 'I knew this will happen,' "come on," Lan Wangji put Wei Wuxian on his back.

"Once I feel better, why don't we go find Wen Chao? That's what I did. When I left the burial mound I went after Wen Chao. He kill everyone in the Jiang clan....madam Yu....Jiang Shushu and all of my shidi and Shimei."

"It wasn't your fault, Wei Ying. The Wen clan want to get rid of those that want to go against them."

The two arrive back at Yiling, "I will send a message to Xiong zhang and Sheng, this way they won't get worry about us."


The two found an inn to stay in, once they settle down Lan Wangji went to write a message for Lan Xichen and for his father as well. 'Hopefully, everyone is safe, hopefully everyone is looking after each other.'

"Lan Zhan?"

"I'm okay Wei Ying." He begin to write a message for his brother and father. A minute later when he is done, he transform the message into a golden butterfly. (Go with it okay)

Lan Wangji walk over to where Wei Wuxian is, "Wei Ying, where do you think Wen Chao is at?"

"He stay in a small tea house near Yunmeng. Many of his Wen disciple is guarding the perimeter. From outside in the wood and inside the tea house as well."

"Then how did you take them down?" Lan Wangji asked. Wei Wuxian begin to tell Lan Wangji how he take down Wen Chao and his disciple. Once Wei Wuxian is done, Lan Wangji is shock and surprise to hear Wei Wuxian kill the Wen disciple that fast.

"Is that a surprise attack?" Lan Wangji asked.

"Mn. The faster I get them all, the faster I get to Wen Chao."

"How about let me help you this time? I am with you after all?" Lan Wangji gave Wei Wuxian a smile. Wei Wuxian take Lan Wangji sleeves and covered his face.

"Please warn me before you do that Lan Zhan." This make Lan Wangji confuse, "do what?"

"Smile at me, when you do? My heart skip a beat."

Lan Wangji chuckled at this, "then how about I just smile just for you?" Wei Wuxian nodded his head with Lan Wangji sleeves still covering his face.

"Get some rest Wei Ying, we have a lot of thing to do tomorrow?"

"Mn," Lan Wangji help Wei Wuxian to lay down. 'If we get rid of Wen Chao first then he won't be able to attack the Jiang clan. But since the Wen Chao in Wei Ying past went into hiding, where will the Wen Chao of this timeline stay in?'

Cloud Recesse

"Xichen! Xichen!" Lan Sheng push open the door, "Sheng? What's wrong?" Lan Xichen asked.

Lan Sheng walk over to where Lan Xichen and Qingheng Jun is at, "One of the Lan disciple said that Lan er gongzi send home a message. What did he said?" Lan Sheng asked as he take a seat next to Lan Xichen to read the message as well.

"Wangji said? They have forged the Yin Hufu, they are in Yiling right now. Wangji said that they will go get Wen Chao before he attack the Jiang clan."

"A-Huan, try to find out where Wen Chao is at? This way we can help A-Zhan and A-Xian. We should help out as well."

"I understand Fuqin," Lan Xichen look at Lan Sheng, "Want come along, Sheng?" Lan Sheng look at Qingheng Jun, "Go on, A-Ren should be alright now. We have other healer there to take care of him."

"Let's go Sheng!" Lan Sheng nodded his head, "we will find Wen Chao as fast as possible Qingheng Jun!" Lan Sheng left from there with Lan Xichen by his side.

When the two left the clan, Lan Sheng asked, "Where do you think Wen Chao will go?"

"Sheng, we will split up. We will search in each town, then we will meet in Yiling."

"We are meeting up with Lan er gongzi and A-Xian?" Lan Xichen nodded his head. "Then let's meet in Yiling?" Lan Sheng nodded his head. The two went separate way to go in search for Wen Chao.

The next day, when Wei Wuxian feel a whole lot better the two of them went to search for Wen Chao. "Let's come back here if we don't find Wen Chao. Yunmeng is close by, we will help the Jiang clan if the Wen clan attack them."

"Okay, then let's go," the two walk for a while before maneuvering on their sword. "Lan Zhan, where do you think we should go first?" Wei Wuxian asked. "You said that after Wen Chao threw you down into the burial mound, he went to a tea house near Yunmeng right?" Wei Wuxian nodded his head.

"Why don't we try there first? If he is not there then we will search near Yunmeng. I am sure that he is waiting for the right time to attack the Jiang Clan."

"Mn." Wei Wuxian.

Lan Sheng and Lan Xichen meet back at Yiling, "Xichen!" Lan Xichen sigh as he see a happy smile on Lan Sheng face. He walk over to where Lan Sheng is at, "did you see Wangji and A-Xian?" Lan Xichen asked as he take a seat next to Lan Sheng.

"Someone said that Lan er gongzi and A-Xian just left a couple of days ago. I describe to the people of Yiling what they look like. That is how they know that Lan er gongzi and A-Xian left Yiling."

"Then let's wait for them here. Knowing Wangji they will come back here. Yunmeng is close by, if Wen Chao attack the Jiang clan then the two of them will help back up the Jiang clan."

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