Chapter XVII

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The next day they were out on the same place again, they all see Wen Chao sitting above them on the step. "I hope all of you read the scroll because I will call out people to read it out loud. Shall we begin?"

Wen Chao have on a grin, he know who to call on, "Wei Wuxian, Lan Wangji, Jin Zixuan."

"I will do it," Lan Sheng step up, 'I will play your stupid game. I will make sure no one will get hurt.' "Alright Wen Chao, listen and listen well." Lan Sheng recited everything inside of the Wen scroll.

When Lan Sheng is done, he said, "Wen Chao Wen Chao, do you think you can follow everything in this scroll that got left behind by your sect leader Wen Mao?"


"What your father and you are doing? You will loose this fight." With that saying Lan Sheng went back to stand behind Lan Xichen.

Then a minute later a Wen disciple rush up toward Wen Chao to tell him something. "Listen up, change of plan. We are going on a night hunt." With that they all left from there.

"A-Xian, the yin iron? Is it inside of the turtle?" Whispered Lan Xichen.

"Is not a Yin iron but more like a yin iron sword. Since Xue Yang is an descended of Xue Chonghai, he know how to handle the Yin iron." Suddenly this got Wei Ying to think of why there is two Yin Iron sword.

"Wei Ying, what is it?" Asked Lan Zhan.

"I never thought about this before but I think Xue Yang is the one who turn the Yin Iron into a sword. He spread all of the Yin Iron in different places," the other also understanding what Wei Ying mean.

"But the question is why?" Lan Sheng, Lan Zhan and Wei Ying think about Lan Xichen question.

Since they are walking behind everyone else, Lan Zhan decide to take Wei Ying hand in his. This make Wei Ying to relax, "Thank you Lan Zhan," Wei Ying felt Lan Zhan squeezing his hand this mean, "Your welcome."

They soon arrive at a nearby river, then this women walk around telling everyone to find the cave, "A-Xian, who is she?" Whispered Lan Sheng.

"Her name is Wang Lingjiao, she once was a servant for Wen Chao until he caught her attention. He kept her by his side, no one else. She is also the reason for the Jiang massacre. No, if Jiang Cheng just kill her then she wouldn't sent up the flare."

They all look at the guy in purple clothes that belong to the Jiang clan. "Wei Ying, why didn't Jiang Wanyin kill her?" Asked Lan Zhan.

"Lan Zhan, didn't you see it?" Lan Zhan know what Wei Ying is talking about. "I remember hearing you call out Yu Ziyuan name. Then Jiang Wanyin let that women go as he went back to save his mother."

"Then we should somehow kill her first before she can get to the Jiang clan?" Wei Ying nodded his head. Lan Sheng think and think and think and think until, "since I am a Lan healer, I can sent a poison needle into her body."

"Sheng can you really do that?" Lan a Xichen asked his healer. "I can."

"Sheng ge, don't forget that guy right there. His name is Wen Zhuliu, he protected Wen Chao. His other name is "Core melting hand" he can melt someone core." They all looked at Wen Zhuliu who is standing next to Wen Chao.

"A-Xian, where is the cave?" Wei Ying turn toward where the fog is covering the mountain. "Up there?" Wei Ying nodded his head. Lan Xichen look around to find Nie Huaisang.

He see Nie Huaisang sitting down on the ground, he went over to where Nie Huaisang is at. Lan Xichen kneel down in front of him, "Huaisang, tell your disciple to point toward that mountain up there."

Lan Xichen point toward the mountain that have fog all around, Nie Huaisang is confuse as he turn around to see where Lan Xichen is pointing at. "Up there?" Lan Xichen nodded his head.

"Then tell them to go tell Wen Chao that they have found it, okay?" Nie Huaisang nodded his head. Lan Xichen got up as he walk back to where Lan Sheng and the other is at.

They watch as Nie Huaisang tell one of his disciples what to do and what to said. Soon they hear, "Congratulations Gongzi, you found the cave."

"What?! Did she really said that?" Lan Sheng mouth got covered by Lan Xichen, "Sheng quiet it down. Do you want Wen Chao to ask you questions?" Lan Xichen whispered quietly to only Lan Sheng to hear.

"Is okay Sheng ge,it happen in the future as well. It doesn't matter to me," Wei Ying start to walk as Wen Chao tell everyone to head up toward the mountain.

Usually the past repeat themselves but not this time, "what you are looking for is down there?" Everyone look down to the black pit below them, "are you sure is not just an a abyss?" One of the disciple from other clan asked.

"No, there is a ground there. All we need is rope to climb down."

"Take out the rope, tie it to the log pole over there," Wen Chao ordered his man.

Once the rope is tie, everyone climb down one at a time. 'I shouldn't get Lan Zhan involve in fighting that monster again.' When he is down at the bottom with Lan Xichen, he pull Lan Xichen to the side.

"Zewu Jun, when the monster is awake can you make sure to take Lan Zhan with you. I can't let him get hurt again from saving me."

"But A-Xian?"

"Please Xichen, if Lan Zhan stay with me then he will get hurt. I can't bare to see that again. Listen," Wei Ying explain everything that he knew from the future, he tell Lan Xichen about the hole at the bottom of the lake and how Wen Chao run away and block the entrance with many big rock.

After Wei Ying is done he said, "Please Xichen ge? I know that he won't go but if you drag him, then he will have no other choice. I am doing this for him."

"Alright A-Xian but in return,please stay alive for Wangji and for us as well."

"I will." 'I will, as long as Lan Zhan is safe, and as long as everyone get out safe and sound.'

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