Chapter XX

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'Please don't get your hurt. I don't want to see you getting hurt anymore,' Wei Wuxian fly as fast as possible to get to the library to save Lan Wangji. On his way to the library, he see Qingheng Jun and Lan Xichen is surrounded by the Wen disciple.

"Qingheng Jun! Xichen! Get down!" The two look up to see Wei Wuxian. They heard what he just said. So they got down to the ground. Wei Wuxian summon up black arrow, he move his finger forward and that is when the black arrow went toward the Wen disciple.

"I'm heading to the library to find Lan Zhan! You two watch your back!" After saying that Wei Wuxian continue to head toward the library to find Lan Wangji. It didn't take Wei Wuxian long to get there.

When he got there he see Lan Wangji is fighting with 20 Wen disciple and that including Wen Xu. 'Damn you Wen Xu. You broke Lan Zhan leg last time, this time I won't let you do that.' "Lan Zhan!"

Hearing a familiar voice, Lan Wangji look up above him, there he see, "Wei Ying!" Wei Wuxian landed in next to Lan Wangji, "Are you alright?" Wei Wuxian asked.

"Mn. Your not hurt right?"

"No, I got out safe and sound."

"My brother and Sheng?"

"They are safe too. Xichen is fighting with your father, Sheng is helping the Lan healer to heal those whose are injured. Master Lan is also with Sheng. Lan Zhan, did you see your father send up all of the sect flare?"

"He did. None came."

As they were talking to each other Wen Xu ordered his Wen disciple to attack Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji. "Let's talk later!" The two begin to fight back, "Master Lan said that this place have important book that belong to the Lan clan! Is that why your here?!" Wei Wuxian asked while fighting the Wen clan and Wen Xu at once.

"Yes! But also something else!" Lan Wangji went to block a Wen disciple sword from touching Wei Wuxian back. He kicked that Wen disciple away from there as he stabbed a wen disciple in his stomach.

"Something else? Like what?" Wei Wuxian asked as their back touch one another.

"My memories of spending time with you in there."

"You mean like when I got punished by you and that I have to write the Lan clan rule for month?"


The two fight back to back like they know each other movement. Wen Xu has enough of his disciple getting killed so he jump in to fight both Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji.

Wen Xu attack Wei Wuxian first, only to have Lan Wangji blocking his sword from touching Wei Wuxian.

Wei Wuxian kicked Wen Xu on his stomach which cause him to fly backward. " I will take Wen Xu! Lan Zhan take the Wen disciple! Then come find me okay?!" Wei Wuxian shouted as he send Wen Xu away from the library with his sword.

"Just be careful!" Lan Wangji shouted back as he take down all of the Wen disciple.

"I will!" 'I'm going to murder you, Wen Xu. You broke Lan Zhan leg once, I been wanting to murder you for a very long time.' Wei Wuxian block all of Wen Xu attack. "Is that all you got, Wen gongzi?" Wei Wuxian smirk at the way Wen Xu is acting.

"Why you?!" Wen Xu shoot fireball at Wei Wuxian only to have him dodging all of it. "Now is my turn," Wei Wuxian sent his sword toward Wen Xu, he control it with his hand.

Suibian slash Wen Xu on his left and right arm, Wen Xu continued to attack Wei Wuxian. He couldn't  touch  Wei Wuxian since Suibian blocked his sword. This got Wen Xu even more angry now.

"A-Xian, are you playing game with Wen gongzi?" Come Lan Xichen voice to his right. "Xichen, do you want to join in?" Wei Wuxian asked with a smile on his face. "I will leave him in your hand." Lan Xichen smile as he move his head side to side. "I'm heading to see how everyone else is doing. Don't take too long A-Xian."

"I won't!" Lan Xichen left from there with an amuse smile on his face.

"Game? You think this is funny?" Come Wen Xu angry tone. "Of course. But if you don't like it. Then I will end your life here."

Before Wen Xu ask Wei Wuxian what he mean, a sword went from his back through the front where his heart is at. Wen Xu fell down to the ground with a thud, "Cheng Cheng, what took you so long?"

"Who are you calling Cheng Cheng?!" Jiang Cheng walk over to where Wei Wuxian is at.  "Your here, then that mean the Jiang clan is safe?" Wei Wuxian asked as he put away Suibian.

"Yeah. Chifeng Zun and Nie Xiong is in Yunmeng right now. After we send up our flare and other clan flare, the first clan to show up is the Nie clan. When we took care all of the Wen disciple, Wen Chao and that women, Fuqin ask me to head to Gusu to help out.  Is there anything I can do or we can do?" Jiang Cheng step aside to let Wei Wuxian see the Jiang and Nie disciple behind him.

"Yes, can you go and see if Qingheng Jun need help? Have the Nie disciple to go where the Lan healer is at. They might get attack by the Wen disciple. As for the Jiang disciple, go find any Lan disciple that is still alive?" Wei Wuxian pointed to different directions while telling Jiang Cheng what to said to the Jiang and Nie disciple.

"Okay," Jiang Cheng turn around and tell the Jiang and Nie disciple what to do. Once the Jiang and Nie disciple know what to do they went off to their destination. Jiang Cheng turn to look at Wei Wuxian, "I will head to go find Qingheng Jun. stay alive. Jie want you to come by and have some lotus soup," after saying that Jiang Cheng left from there.

"Wei Ying!" Before Wei Wuxian can turn fully around, Lan Wangji wrapped his arm around Wei Wuxian shoulder. This shock and surprise, "Lan Zhan. I'm sorry I left you."

"No, is okay. I'm just glad that your alright." 'I'm don't want anything to happen to you.'

Wei Wuxian wrapped his arm around Lan Wangji waist, 'I can do anything with Lan Zhan by my side. I can fix all of this....'

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