1. The news

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When I walked up to that massive gate and stared at this magnificent mansion, I felt uneasy, why did he wish to see me? Was what clouded my mind,

I liked him, who wouldn't, he was my uncle that cool uncle, the one who got me toys and sweets, when I was a kid, the one who helped my family when dad died, the one who sponsored me and my sister through school, who wouldn't like him but I had a falling out with him, everyone did, because he married a girl, not just any girl, a girl way younger than him, but I never hated my uncle and now when I was invited to my uncle's mansion, I didn't hate, just wondered why he needed to see me,

The minute I entered the building, I was awestruck, I had been in the building multiple times but every time I was always dazzled by the sheer magnitude and richness, the mansion looked old fashioned, the wallpaper was creamy in colour and most object were golden, they had all this intrinsic design and it was immaculate with the beams of sunlight entering through the beautiful windows, the house looked as though it held secrets and knew you, so when inside I felt like I had to be on his best behavior,

I was still in a staring daze when I heard a voice,

"Sir, Khalid, the master will see you now, come with me"

I nodded, watching the bald headed man lead me down towards a hall.

He pushed open the door and I stepped into a office, I played here a lot as a kid, the place was filled with books on shelf and indeed smelt of old books, I loved the smell,

Then I saw him, my uncle, he was on a wheelchair, he looked frail and older than the last time we met, and then I saw her, his wife, she looked beautiful and she smiled shyly at me, I smiled back,

"Good Afternoon Uncle Ben"

"How are you doing my boy" he asked, she pushed the chair towards me, I felt my uncle warm hands touch mine,

"Come", he said, She wheeled him around and I followed suit, my eyes landed on her behind as she walked right in front of me, I mentally scolded myself for goodness sake, she was my uncle's wife literally my aunt.

Uncle Ben began talking, asking about my life, what I was up to, I told him my plans and problems and he promised to help me, I told you he was the best uncle anybody could have.

We sipped whiskey as we talked, I had a feeling that this was not what he really wanted to meet me about, there has to be more, he was always a composed man but the way his eyes darted around made me wary, he sent his wife to get him something and then he faced me all serious,

"I need you to help me" he said, his eyes probing me

"Help? How, what?" I wondered how I could possibly help him, he was my helper not me,

"Khalid, I am not going to waste your time boy, I will go straight to the point" he said scaring me a little.

"What is it uncle?"

"I need children, Khalid, you are the only one I trust to help me"

"How can I help you" I asked pushing away the one thought that kept crossing my mind

"I need you to sleep with my wife"

"What?, I cannot do that, it is not right"

"I know what is right and wrong and this is right for me and you and her also"


"I am old, I cannot bear children, you are young, you can and I need a child of pure blood not a stranger" he said seriously,

"I can't" I cannot believe my ears, what is my uncle asking me to do, I stood up deciding to leave,

"Don't go, listen, I will give you my properties, I just need you to do this for me, no one will find out, if we don't tell, I need children, my wife needs a man, you need money to grow your business and be as rich as I am, you also get a woman for free, please, help your uncle" he begged.

The property and money talk made me reconsider my option, I needed the money, I needed to expand my business, I am a young man who is in desperate need for money, this plan would benefit me together with my uncle and his wife.

I sighed, "does she know?" I ask

"She does, she understands, will you do this"

I second think this, no one would know, what could possibly go wrong,

"Uncle Ben, you just dropped a huge news on me, I have to think about this"

"Of course, I will give you until next Friday, I want you to know that I would never be upset or stop loving and taking care of you like I have always done, even if you refuse, it is your decision, it is all up to you"

I swallowed the lump in my throat as I left the office, ony way out, I met the wife, her beauty was mesmerizing but I wasn't going to wait, I ran, ran home to think about all this.

Hey guys, what do you guys think, will Khalid accept?, I feel like he will because of the money involved. Anyways have a great day, today.

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