16. freedom

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After he was done with me, he cleaned himself up, land watched me for sometime, I just sat on the ground, saying nothing, this past days whenever he came to rape me, I said nothing, I knew it bothered him, he expected me to scream or beg but I wouldn't, never again, he grabbed me by my hair, it hurt and it made me shriek, he smirked at me,

"You"ll speak, I'll make you" then he let go and left,

This time he didn't tie me up, he was getting  careless this is the opportunity I need, I ran to the door, It was locked, I was about to give up, when I saw from the corner of my eyes an hairpin, I picked it up and tried the lock, when I was little, me and my brother's we would lock doors just to pick it, at first it was futile, until it clicked, the door was opened, my breath caught in my throat, this time, I had to be fast and careful, opening the door, I walked into a hallway that I have never been in, no one was around, so I tiptoed hurriedly, I soon reached a open room, there was one security guard standing by the corner, I started crawling towards the other side, praying he would not notice, he didn't, I needed to find my children, so Next I focused on the doors, I  continued walking down the hall this place was deserted, somehow I found myself in an over grown bush, then I saw them through a painted window, they were playing with someone, I had to get in there, I tracked towards the door, it was locked, the window was the only option, I waited for long, till the person left, I couldn't see who he was, when he left, I hoped no other person was in the room, as I opened the window, it made a creaking sound but I was able to get through, my children squealed when they saw it was me and I asked them to keep shut, they did, I hugged them, happy to see them again, but we needed to get out of here fast.

I tried the lock with the hairpin and I was happy it clicked, now to find the entrance, together we three navigated the rather empty building until I eventually found a parlor with a  big open door, I assumed, it was the entrance, as I peeked out, I saw two hefty men talking, I dropped the kids behind the door, as I moved back to cause a distraction, I threw a vase down the hall and hid, they had the shatter and both ran in, fools, I hid until they passed me, coming out, I grabbed my children as I ran towards the gate, no one was there but it was locked, I guess one of the guards was supposed to be manning the gate, I tried picking this one but nothing worked, I was afraid the guard would come, I was stuck what would I do, just then a car rolled in beeping, I ran and hid inside a nearby bush, the guard ran to open the gate and when the car came in, he went to talk to the car owner, this was my chance to run, the gate was opened, Finding an unknown courage, I sneaked out, once I was out, I started running, running down a road lined with trees, It took a long time but I did not stop, I carried my two children and ran, the road led to a highway just like before I flagged down vehicles but none stopped, I was eager so I walked as fast as I could because I could not run any longer, I don't remember how long it took but I found myself in a town, it was very late when I arrived, midnight, I went behind a dirty alley sat down and rested, I breastfed Laura, I knew Damien was hungry as well, but I promise tomorrow, I would find food for him, we would leave safely, I told myself and I believed it.

Early the next morning, I asked around and some people were actually helpful while others looked at me with scorn, their was a bus going directly to our destination, this made me happy but I was cashless, how would I get money to pay them, I needed to leave here as soon as I can before they catch up to me, I assume they had figured out my escape, I did the only thing in my mind, To beg, I begged random people and strangers for sometime, the bus was leaving in an hour and I still needed a little, thankfully a few kind hearted people pitied me and the children, I had a bit more, so I ordered for a bus ticket, I went into a shop to spend the remaining little change on bread that my son ate.

I was finally happy when the bus drove out,  I kept praying that we would get there safely, I prayed they would never find me.

"Please keep us safe", I was washed by relief when I finally saw the poster to the town, "thank you", I said a carried my children, it was late but I wouldn't stop, I trekked until I reached my destination,

She was shocked when she saw me in a messy state, carrying two children, the minute, I knew she recognized me, I just started crying, she held me tight, and cried, she took the baby from my hand and ushered us in.

It has been many years, many years but now I see my mother.

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