3. question and pressure

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He felt his head feel light as he ejaculates into her, she moans, then he gets off her body and lay beside her pulling her towards him, she felt filled and fulfilled, this man knew how to make her happy, she looked up at him, he was taking deep breaths and closing his eyes, when he finally opened them, she stared into his eyes, this felt like the first time she was actually seeing them after all the times they had met, his eyes was a warm, light shade of brown with streaks of hazel, she could not get enough, he pulled her into a kiss,

"How did you meet uncle Ben" he asked, a question that was bugging him,

"He is my father's friend"

"Did you really want to marry him?"

"I did, he has always been helpful in my life and when he told me that he was interested in me, I could not believe it, he assured me that he didn't want me for just sex and babies, he just wanted company, I accepted"

Khalid was in thoughts he didn't want to voice his opinion,

"How old are you?" She asked.

"Twenty Eight" he replied,

"I am twenty three"

"I know"

"How do you know?"

"Uncle Ben told me"

She nodded,

"Did you like it?"

"What?" She replied trying to sound clueless

"Don't do that, do you like what we just did?" He asked, she looked away, her face already turning bright red,

He lifted her face up and smiled,

"I did" she told him,

He cuddled her tightly and she relaxed in his arms.

His phone beeped, he looked at the message

"Shit" he said, getting up from the bed and looking for his scattered clothes,

"What is the problem" she asked sitting up and clutching the duvet to cover her body,

"I need to be somewhere" he said putting on his trousers, when he found all he was looking for, he walked up to her and pecked her cheeks,

"When next will we meet"

"I'll text you the address and time, okay?" He asked,

She nodded and watched him walking out, she plopped down on the bed and thought,

This past few weeks, she had felt happy, Khalid really knows how to please a woman, but she tried to think beyond the pleasure, she thought of her husband and his longing for a child, she needed the child too and she needed the man, hopefully things will go as planned.

He smiled looking at his phone, his uncle had credited him a huge sum and he couldn't help but feel happy, he was glad he accepted the offer, he felt like everything was falling in place, without working to hard, he was getting way more money and also drilling the lady for free, this was a good life but a frown came to his face, why have she not conceived yet, it had already been some months and their meeting was frequent, sometimes in his uncle's house where he felt rather uncomfortable or at his house or in a random hotel, or in the back of his car, this brought a smile to his face, but then again he frowned when he thought, if she eventually gets pregnant would his uncle stop paying him, the taught gave him a headache so he pushed it at the back of his mind, as he approached his not very happy girlfriend Sandra

"Hey babe" he said pulling her into a hug,

"Please don't babe me, where have you been?"

"Why are you angry, chill, I have been at work"

"What work you liar, I called your work and you were not there"

"Maybe you called when I stepped out to get something" he said, she folded her arms and stomped her foot,

"Come on babe, don't be upset, let's go in"

She eventually lightened up and followed him into his apartment, she was upset, he never showed up late like this, she wondered what was taking his time, she could feel the distance getting longer, he was gradually leaving her but she was never going to let It happen, they belong together and she would make sure that they stay together.

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