15. forced.

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The next morning, the kind couple was kind enough to give us breakfast, I wanted to pay them with the money at hand but they refused, I was grateful to them, it was rare to find good people, although they didn't know me but they were willing to help me, Mr Roy offered to take us to the train station where we would get our destination, when we got there and bought tickets, I collected his phone number and address, promising to call when we got there, we bade him goodbye as I sat in my seat, I thought Good people actually exist, maybe my dead husband sent that nice couple to help us, I smiled in relief, I was finally going away to somewhere safe, away from all the dangers behind me, Khalid and his girlfriend could rot in hell for all I care, they had hurt me enough, when we got there, I would be happy, my children might grow up without a father figure but I would do all I can to make them happy.

The train started moving, on the way, we would stop at the station, then board again to our destination, for now, I brought out the take away that Mrs Roy packed for us, she was an angel. During the train ride, I slept off for a while and woke up just as we reached the station, I felt exhausted, sleep deprived.

We sat on the bench on the platform as the train rolled in, we were about entering, when there was commotion, some men in black, I picked my child up about to enter when I was dragged back, my children was stripped from me as I cried for help, no one helped, they gagged me by my mouth as they carried me away.

My head hurts so much, I sat up, blinking away tears from my eyes, as my eyes adjusted to the darkness, I was bound to a chair, my arms hurt,

"Where are my?" I screamed, "where are my children?", Is anybody there?" No one answered,

What did they want with me?, where have they taken those innocent children?, I wonder if they are okay?

"Please don't kill them" I cried,

"You should have thought of that, when you left" A voice I recognized well said, a switch clicked and there was a dim light, I looked up looking for his face, he came out and smirked,

"Khalid, why? Why are you doing this? Please bring them here"

"I won't, why did you leave without telling me, I searched everywhere for you, you like to get yourself in trouble"

"Please, let me go" I begged, he walked closer to me bending down to my level until we were inches apart, he lifted my chin and rubbed my cheeks,

"I won't"

"Please", I cried

"NO" he yelled, "you do not deserve to see them, especially because you left" he stood up straight, leaving me there,

"They will cry, Laura is hungry, I have to breastfeed her, Damien will trouble you, please let me see them, I beg you, please"

My pleas fell on deaf ears, he left leaving the light on, I cried, I cried, why me?

I jerked up when the door opened in came in that Bitch Sandra, the traitor Khalid and three big men, two were holding my children,

"Mummy" Damien screamed when he saw me, squirming in the big guy grasp,

"Damien, Laura, my babies, please don't hurt them" I begged,

"Pathetic" it was Sandra who spoke, "you really thought you could escape, huh, never"

"Please" I begged,

"I heard you wanted to see your children, so bad, well you will but this could be your last time, so hurry it up" she said to me then to Khalid,

"I can't stay here, looking at this freak angers me" she said, giving him a kiss before walking away,

"Untie her" Khalid said, one of the goons untied my hands, but left my legs tied,

he nodded towards me and the goons dropped my children with me, I cried as I held them close to me, I missed them, they clung to me as we reunited,

"Hurry up, I don't have time for this shit" he said, the goons left he stood by the side watching us for a while before scrolling through his phone,

I kissed my children happily and Damien smiled, Laura started crying, she was hungry, so I fed her, holding her brother next to me,

They came back after a while and with his instruction took my children away from me again, I begged and cried, but no one listened, then they tied me up again and left,

The devil came in later that night, he dragged a stool beside me and sat,

"Please let me go" I begged trying to reason with him

"I can't do that, why did you leave, you hurt me"

"I am sorry" he said, he untied my hands and legs, but held me tightly,

"Khalid, let's go let's go together, with the children, we will run away from here"

"Stop it, we are not going anywhere he said, pulling me towards him, trying to forcefully kiss me,

"Stop, what are you doing?" I asked,

"It's been a long time, I miss you" he said pulling my skirt up,

"No, no stop, stop" I tried pushing him but he was too strong, he pushed me to the ground, I tried to stand up and run but he was already pinning me down, rubbing my inner thighs,

"Don't do this, it is not right, stop" I begged, I tried to push him off me but he wouldn't budge, he unzipped his trousers, he then tore at my panties leaving me naked,

"I don't want this, please stop" I begged,

"Of course you do, we haven't done this for a while now, and I know you miss this, don't you, just be a good girl like you always have been,

"Please don't do this, stop please" I begged, pleaded but he did not listen he did not let me go, he did what he wanted to, he did it , he hurt me yet again, he hurt me so bad, it hurt.

When he was done, he tied me up again, he left me in tears without feeling remorse,

He was a beast, he has proven himself,

Everyday after that, they let me see my children for sometime,  they sometimes brought food, I ate with my children, when they were gone, sometimes he would come down and force me, he would be merciless, he would rape me.

My hate for him grew day by day, I wanted to hurt him so bad,I wanted to leave this place.

I would, I would make sure I leave here, I would make them pay.

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