11. Death

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I was with him, holding hands and assuring him, when his breathing grew heavy even the oxygen tank did not help, he refused to go to the hospital, deciding that he would die in his home, I asked him not to say that but recently he talked about death like it was his long lost friend,

In his last minutes I had sat beside him carrying little Damien in my hands as he was sleeping, I sat by his bed watching my husband try so hard to breathe and speak,

"Sylvia Darling" he spoke rather strongly, I thought he was getting better, "I am about to leave this world"

"Please don't say that, what would I do without you, what will your children do without you beside them" I wiped a stray tear, I didn't want to show him how weak I am, maybe my strength would strengthen him.

"Dear, you would do much without me, the children would be great without me, I just need you to care for your self and protect the kids, and my wealth, all my properties belongs to you three, my lawyer will come after my death" he said shaking with each word,

"No stop, you will be alright" I cried,

"Take care of them" he grazed his hand on my seven month old bump and ran his hand on the sleepy boy's head,

"You won't leave me, not now, your baby is about to be born"

"Everything would be fine" he said coughing, I helped him sip water,

"Go and lay Damien in bed"

"I will do that later"

"Do it now, he is sleepy his weight would bother you, you are heavily pregnant"

"I can bear it, I am not leaving here"

"Do as I say" he said, I listened, I stood up and went outside towards my room to lay Damien down, when I went back to my husband, he was asleep, sleeping eternally,
I watched him sleeping peacefully after the pains, tears ran down my face as I left the room.


My husband was buried successfully amid tears, people I didn't even know gave speech at the burial at his kindness.

He was truly kind and gracious, he was selfless but not foolish, he was a true man, I miss him so much, my heart aches to think that he is gone forever, he has left me and the children.

Reality eventually dawned on me at twenty five, I am now a widow, a pregnant one, how sad.

Benjamin will always live on in my heart as my husband.

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