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I carried my new born baby in my arms, she was beautiful, she looked so much like her father, I love her so much, in came Khalid, holding hands with little Damien,

He kissed me and carried his child in his arms, he kissed her and she squirmed,

"Damien do you want to see your sister?" He asked, lowering the baby,

"She is tiny" said Damien, which made us laugh, he handed the baby back to me, Damien sat by me watching his sister sleep and Khalid stood watching us, this made me happy, I wish we were like this, a happy family.

Victoria watched from the side, the news was definitely true, this two children belonged to Sylvia and Khalid, no wonder the kids looked like him and he had been by her side, supporting her, they looked so perfect together, they should be a family she thought,

It has been six months, Aunt Victoria had left to her home after spending so much time over here, teaching her a lot in taking care of a baby, something she didn't know when she first gave birth, also the scandalous news was dieing down even though it wasn't completely down,

Sylvia noticed that Khalid was slowly drawing away, he was more interested in business and gaining wealth and it did bother her, she had wished that they would leave this place and go to a small town to raise their children but he wanted big things, he wanted wealth and he would do anything to have it.


One day Sandra paid her a visit, she was looking beautiful and classy in her dress

"What are you doing here?" Sylvia asked,

"To talk"

"I don't want to talk to you, leave now"

"I can't, I won't, this mansion belongs to me"

"What? Get out of here, I do not have time for this"

Sandra handed a paper to Sylvia, the paper of ownership state that the house and all properties belongs to Sandra And Khalid, Sylvia was shocked,

"I have actually owned all this property for a while, I just gave you chance to live here for a little while but not anymore, you have overstayed your welcome" Sandra said sassily,

"Sandra, I don't know what you are talking about and I also don't care, so just get out"

"You don't get it yet do you? Well I will explain, that lawyer that you have been waiting for for months he transferred all the property to me and my love, Khalid, and the scandal, I know you know that it was me who leaked your family secrets" she said, just then Khalid enters the room, he was looking as handsome as usual, he looked so proud, he holds Sandra by the waist and kisses her lips, Sylvia was so shocked, she just stood watching their display of affection, Sandra continued,

"We used you, your precious Khalid used you and you were so in love you didn't notice, you fool" Sandra said,

"When did all this start" Sylvia asked still trying to digest the information of this betrayal,

Sandra laughed,

"You do not need to know, you just have to GET OUT OF MY PROPERTY" she yelled,

Sylvia ran to Khalid, shaking him, she could not believe this betrayal, people that love themselves don't do this,

"Khalid talk to me, she must be lying, she hates us, she doesn't want us together that is why she is lying, you could never betray me, we love each other, remember?"

An angry Sandra pushed her to the floor but she was back on her feet.

"Khalid, this is all a lie, she is lying, you love me right? You would never betray your uncle, just tell me you wouldn't, I will believe you, please"

This time Khalid pushed her away from him,

"Don't you get it yet, get it into your thick skull, we used you, this property and all his business belongs to us, you mean nothing to me, you are just a piece of trash in my sight, get out" he yelled walking away, Sandra smiled , following closely behind him, Sylvia stood there, was this really happening? Was she dreaming? This was surely a dream, Khalid could not do this to her right? He could not, what then happens to her children, her babies, he used her, he made her fall for him,who knew how long, he was doing this, how long he made her feel wanted, how long he used her for his selfish games, was it all false, was the love false? How could she not notice?why was she so blinded, why did he do all this to hurt her, she had fought her husband for him, did he plan it all? Did he kill his uncle? Was he involved in the news? Her trust was forever broken, she sat in hall crying her eyes out,  she was ruined, completely all for love, she had let her guard down, she had been used.

Hmmm Drama.

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