Chapter Nine

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Samuel stood in front of his bathroom mirror, he stared at his reflection with tired eyes. The once bright and hopeful spark in his eyes had dulled, replaced by a hardened resolve and a constant vigilance. His clean-shaven face was now adorned with a two week old growing patchy beard. His dark curly brown hair had grown unkempt, falling over his forehead.

Samuel's eyes wandered to the dark circles that now framed them. The lack of sleep, the constant fear, and the mental and emotional toll of the past weeks had etched itself into his features. He looked older, wearier, and a shadow of his former self.

Turning on the faucet, Samuel splashed some cold water on his face, hoping to refresh himself and wash away the fatigue that seemed to settle in his bones. With a sullen sigh Samuel stepped away from the mirror, sluggishly exiting the bathroom. With short tired strides, Samuel moved across his new lounge room. The room was compact but orderly, showing signs of a meticulously planned existence.

Against one wall stood a small, makeshift supply station. Rationed food items were stacked neatly in piles, sorted by type and expiration date. Cans of beans, tuna, and vegetables were arranged in rows, while packages of dried fruit, nuts, and energy bars were carefully lined up next to them. Samuel had done his best to make the most of the limited resources available.

A foldable camping stove and a few fuel canisters, which Samuel had luckily found in the floor below his, were placed on a small table near the supply station. The aroma of dehydrated soup mix still lingered in the air. Four gallon-sized water tanks, Samuel took from the water dispensers in the administration room, were neatly aligned in a corner. Makeshift plugs tightly sealed the caps of the tanks to prevent any wastage.

Beside the water tanks, a compact medical kit lay open and partially used. Bandages, antiseptic, pain relievers, and other supplies were neatly arranged. Across the room was Samuel's bedroom. His bed was neatly made, though its sheets were worn and slightly rumpled from nights of fitful sleep. A thin blanket and a sleeping bag were carefully folded at the foot of the bed, ready to provide warmth during colder nights.

Next to the bed, a small table served as a nightstand, holding a dimly lit lantern and a paperback book. The electrical power for the hotel went out five days ago, which left Samuel in complete darkness.

Grabbing his book from the nightstand, Samuel stepped out onto the balcony. Gazing out at the large dead city, the evening sun casted a warm glow over the abandoned cityscape, creating a surreal ambiance.

Settling down into a foldable lawn chair, Samuel opened the book and immersed himself in its pages. The soft breeze gently rustled the pages as he read, offering a momentary relief from the confined walls of the hotel room. With each turn of the page, Samuel found himself transported to another world, momentarily forgetting the harsh reality he was living in. The characters and their adventures provided a temporary escape from the constant trauma and fear he had been in for weeks.

Birds nearby fluttered past the balcony, happily chatting as they flew past. Samuel's eyes drifted away from his book locking on with distant towering buildings. His mind lost in tranquility and peace.

Suddenly, Samuel's head swivelled, as he heard distant faint scratching echoing from the hallway.  His heart skipped a beat as fear gripped him. Carefully placing the book open on the page he was reading, Samuel hesitantly got up from his chair, stepping back inside.

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