Chapter Eleven

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The sun was brightly glowing through dark and angry clouds in the sky. Rays of blinding light reflected off of the towering skyscrapers. Mindlessly, Samuel limped in the middle of the road, without any destination he let the littered roads guide him.

The city was quiet, almost peaceful. As Samuel wandered through the desolate streets of Melbourne, the once bustling city had transformed into an eerie landscape of destruction. The relentless grip of the dead had left its mark, with broken windows, overturned cars, and debris strewn everywhere. The sun's feeble attempts to pierce through the thick clouds created a surreal play of light and shadow, casting an otherworldly glow over the urban ruins.

Each step he took felt heavy, his limping gait reflecting not only the pain of his wounded leg but also the emotional burden he carried. He questioned the very essence of existence, wondering why he was still clinging to life in a world that seemed devoid of hope. The wails of distant undead echoed through the stillness.

His thoughts turned to the question that had been gnawing at him: why keep going? What purpose did his existence serve? Everyone he has met has either abandoned him, tried to kill him or suffered a horrible death. Yet, he remained.

The sound of his own footsteps echoed in his ears, a rhythm that mirrored the steady beat of his heart. He stumbled upon a large advertisement board, posted with a collection of weathered photographs and fading flowers.

"The wall of the lost." Samuel muttered to himself.

Gently Samuel brushed his hand across the hundreds of photographs containing portraits of lost loved ones. Some had loving notes written on the photograph, pleading for help and reassurance.

A single tear sluggishly escaped from Samuel's eye. Stepping back from the wall, he glanced at the photographs one last time before limping back onto the road continuing his mindless journey.

Slowly Samuel limped onto the middle of a cross road. Trying to decide whether or not he should make a turn. Gazing down the road to his right, he noticed multiple dark figures hung up on light poles. From afar they looked like large hanging bags blowing in the slight breeze. As Samuel stepped closer, the figures became more apparent.

Bodies of all different ages, were hanging on light poles with ropes tightly around their necks, spanning down the long road, as far as the eye could see. Samuel depressingly limped down the middle of the road, staring at each body, as it swung in the wind. Most of the bodies became biters, their teeth gnawing, their hands grasping for Samuel's flesh as he walked past.

The sounds were horrific. Constant dry and suffocating groans echoed throughout the street. Samuel's eyes tinged under the stress of the bellowing sounds. He kept mindlessly walking past the never ending hanging bodies. Samuel couldn't understand why he didn't stop and turn back around.

Attempting to keep his focus on the road, Samuel's eyes began to swell with tears. As he walked past the hundreds of hanging bodies, he thought if he should become one of these people. Take the easy route, and end his suffering.

Climbing over a slight hill in the road, Samuel noticed a girl in the distance. She stood still next to a light pole, staring up at a body swaying in the wind. She didn't look like a biter, she looked alive and breathing.

As Samuel got closer her appearance became more detailed. She was quite tall, approximately six foot. She had thick black oval shaped glasses, covering large brown eyes. The girl had deep black mascara around her eyes, and two small face painted love hearts on her cheek. Her hair was short, running down to her chin and was dyed blonde. She was wearing an oversized black hoodie with green baggy pants.

Samuel timidly stepped closer, the girl didn't realise he was behind her. At a safe distance he paused, staring at her as she gloomily gazed up at the hanging body.

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