Chapter Thirteen

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The morning's feeble light seeped through the worn cracks in the warehouse walls, casting hazy patterns on the dusty floor. As Grace limped towards Samuel, her figure interrupted the light, casting a large shadow across the room.

A shiver danced down Samuel's spine as her ashen visage locked onto his with an unsettling intensity. Her eyes, once a vibrant reflection of life's nuances, had dulled to a stormy grey. Her blood-smeared lips stretched, gnawing for fresh flesh.

Samuel's frightened eyes stared as she grew closer. His hand brushed against a small hatchet, it's blade was stuck into a piece of wood. Wrapping his fingers tightly around the handle he pulled the hatchet out, splinters broke off from the wood cascading against the floor.

Standing strong footed, Samuel swung the hatchet back, attempting to put as much strength into his arm. Hungrily limping towards him, Grace tripped over the metal brazier. A ball of ash spiralled into the air under her weight. Crawling across the floor, the brazier tipped over, pouring ash all over her white pale body. Her ghostly hands desperately reach towards Samuel, as if she was pleading for his flesh.

Grabbing the hatchet with both hands, Samuel swung the hatchet above his head. Staring into her dead eyes once last time, he brought the hatchet down over his head. The blade deeply penetrated her skull, blood instantly poured out from the wound. Her movements slowed as her entire body grew lifeless.

Samuel let go of the handle, leaving the blade of the hatchet wedged into Grace's split open skull. The voices of Tony and Sage echoed from outside, as the door opened, pouring light inside throughout the warehouse.

Both Tony and Sage stood still, staring down at Grace's lifeless body, sprawled across the floor covered in ash. They slowly stare at Samuel's worried face. His mouth slowly gaping open, attempting to explain the situation.

"She was... she was..." Samuel muttered guiltily forcing his words out of his mouth.

Aggressively grabbing a knife from his belt, Sage ran towards him. Samuel stepped backwards, his eyes starting to water. Sage put his hand onto Samuel's shoulder, pushing past him. Turning around to see what he was doing, Sage thrusted his knife cleanly into Ben's skull. His body quickly collapsed to ground.

Sage angrily sighed pulling the knife out from Ben's skull. "Fuck! It was only a matter of time till she got another one of us killed." Sage angrily said wiping the blood from his knife.

Sage angrily examined Grace's body finding a bite on her right shoulder, hidden under her clothing.

"She hid a fucking bite from us." Sage realised, aggressively pushing her body.

"Sage. Leave it." Tony says trying to calm him down.

"No. I've been saying this forever! Grace was a burden! She got George and Maddie killed, and now fucking Ben! You should of listened to me!" Sage yelled.

"It wasn't her fault." Tony answered, his head falling to the floor as if he knew Grace was wrong.

"You're always riding up her arse man. She's not some angel!" Sage argued.

Tony ignored Sage, his eyes met with Samuel's. "Are you okay Samuel?" Tony asked trying to keep his sadness to himself.

Samuel's trembling voice broke the silence, "I... I'm fine."

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