The only chapter

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"Jude?" I hear Cardan's voice. I follow it.
"Cardan?" I shout at the top of my lungs. I'm wearing the dress I had worn to Diain's failed crownation , it is torn up and there is a deep red blood stain on my side: where my foster father had nearly killed me. But it's not my blood.
It was sad to think that this once royal blue gown, full of skirts; now id ruined.
I keep calling his name: slowly it starts to loose  meaning.
I suddenly find myself back at the royal chambers. Shattered vases and torn curtains, walls embedded with bear like claws.
"Cardan are you okay?" My voice shakes as I turn the brass door handle; my hand shoots up to my mouth. I feel sick to my stomach.
Crimson red blood spews out the tap, it travels down the sink to the polished floors below. It overflows.
A mirror hangs on the wall; it's shattered right in the middle; fresh blood staines it.
My eyes catch the back of Cardan's raven black hair, he is avoiding my face, looking into a huge oval mirror or at least what's left of it. Theres a reflection in it next to his, it's face easily recognisable. She has long talons: similar to a dragons.A monstrous grin is spread across her face and there are rose thorns poking out of her messy mane like a crown. Two glowing red eyes stare back at me, boreing into my skin as if she can see right through me; right through my soul; right through my lies.
She's simply horrifying. And it looks like me.
I touch his shoulder and he turns abruptly around.
"I'm so happy to see you, my darling god."
He sweeps me into his arms for a hug. A cosy, warm wave washes over me: a wave familiarity.
"My darling Jude, i have to say you look horrifying."
I laugh along puzzled, what did he mean by that?
His hand pats my head slowly, almost as if congratulating me.
He lets go of me and I realise his eyes are devoured by black, it's like ink dripping from his face. Just like when he broke the Blood Crown. Are those tears?
The tap suddenly explodes. Blood over fills the bathroom, creeping slowly up to my knees ready to devour my utter being.
"Cardan are you..." my voice trails off as I put a soft hand on his cheek: stroking it. He moves away from me. 
"Oh Jude you're a monster." It sounds like he's pleading.
He grabs my hands in his; it's almost as if there is no blood running in his veins- he freezing.
"Cardan are you drunk because I told Roach to keep an eye on you."
I only notice now he's deadly pale.
"I'm only drunk on heartbreak my sweet Jude." He looks down at me "All this time I should of been scared of you."
He lifts his shirt to show blood; plunged into his chest is Night-fell: my dagger. Blood gushes out.I think I gasp or scream, I can't hear myself over my thoughts.
My hands go to my chest and I hold it tight. I can't breathe. I drop to the floor. I can't take all this. My body hits the water.
"Well done daughter. You've finally proved yourself to me, you just like me. Made for the kill." Madoc lifts up my chin to look at him.
Cardan's falling to the floor bleeding out in the water. He crumbles onto his knees and gasps for air; possibly for his last breath.
"You're a dirty human liar."
He grins, bitting his lip to stop him from showing emotion. Everything goes blurry.
"I meant what I said, and I'm now the king of fools. I really did love you, my dear." Cardan closes his eyes as I rush to his body but Madocs hand placed on my shoulder hold me in refuses to let me go." And the ironic thing is I can not lie about it." His nails sink into my skin, tearing me apart, tears roll down my eyes.
"CARDAN!" I try to break free.
Madocs words ring in my ears. I can't breathe. I killed him. I killed Cardan. Again but for real this time.
I sink into the bloody water, i look at my hands they're stained with crimson red blood. Cardan's blood. My husbands blood.

I jerk myself awake. It was a nightmare. Cardan looks up at with a worried expression, he sits himself up.
I fall into his arms.
I feel my salty tears in my mouth. Breathing is painful but suffocating is probably worse.
I dig my nails into his back.
"Are you alright?" He looks genuinely worried. Frightened even. Like I carved his heart out and just ate it in front of him.
His hair sticks out messily, his eyes are wide: tail is swishing anxiously.
I shake my head.
" You died, and I kill you."  I mange to spit out like vinegar. He laughs gently: then kisses the scar on my palm.
"That's nothing new."  I can not find the will to laugh. He kisses me on the top my head. "I'm here now okay? And I will not leave. But the killing part is your choice, I can not stop you from that. But I can say that it does not sound like my wife."
I gaze into his eyes, as black as coals.
"Plus who would annoy you to death every morning?" This time I manage to let out a half assed chuckle.
We both lay down under the heavy silk sheets and embrace.
"I don't want to kill you." I whispered underneath my breath,  Cardan traces the shape of my ear with his thumb . I can feel him form a grin.
"I love you too."

Jude's nightmare Where stories live. Discover now