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Willow, Gus and Amity run off to Eda as soon as school was over.

- We found her! - Was the first thing Amity said when she opened the door.

- What?! Where?! Where is she?! - Eda seem really happy but worried at same time.

- She is with... Belos... - Willow said feeling sorry that she has to say that to Eda.

- WHAT?! We have to help her escape now! - Eda was trying to hurry. She didn't want to waist any more time. Her kid could be hurt with that psycho and she didn't want her to suffre!

- She kinda doesn't want to escape... - Gus said.

- What? What do you mean "she doesn't want to escape"? - Eda asked changing her expresion.

- Eda... She is kinda... Brainwashed... She... She thinks she is... the silver guard... - Amity said.

- Wait... No... The silver guard? The silver guard that i fought with? The silver guard that took away the portal key? Belos' guard, silver guard?! - Eda asked.

- Yeah.... - Amity said quietly.

- No... Luz wouldn't... - Eda seemed out of words.

- She is brainwashed... She doesn't remeber we're her friends... She doesn't remeber her real life at all... - Gus said.

- We have to help her! We have to get her back! - Eda said.

- How? - Willow asked.


- ...And then they told me that they know me or something... - Luz said to Belos.

- Hmm... So they are trying to confuse you and trick you... But you are loyal to me? Aren't you? - Belos asked.

- Of couese i am.

- Good. That's good to know... Let me think about our next move against these wild witches and then I'll call you in again, to tell you what to do.

Luz nodded and left the room

Belos was alone in his throne room.

He was never this proud of his idea and he's so happy about the way plan was working.

He loved doing this to wild witches.

First Luz. A human who decided to join witches and betray humanity.

Second her witch friends.

He loved that he turned their friend against them. He loved that they don't know what's happening or how to fix it. And even if they find out what he did, Luz still won't believe them.

He felt like nothing can stop him now.

He was thinking how he can use Luz as bait to capture the owl lady.

Or maybe even better...

Maybe Luz can capture her.

But how?

For now it will be the best for Luz and Hunter to not pay atention to Luz's old friends and just ignore them.

They won't give up so easily on her....

But what if...

- What if Luz pretends that she saw me doing something bad that she disagree with and then... and then agrees to stay at the owl house... - Belos said quietly.

- It would be the best for her just to say that she still don't believe them that she is brainwashed but she knows I'm "bad person" - He said.

After that she can be something like a duble spy...

THE SILVER GUARD  ( the owl house au)Where stories live. Discover now