Drunk (Fluff)

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Yoo, here's another fluff chapter for u all, thinking about writing angst as I have some ideas, more info about that at the end :)

Hope you enjoy :)

"Georgiee! Come here, " Dream said while pouting at George. George shook his head in return. "Awww, why not?" Dream asked in return.

"Because you're drunk, Dream! Maybe I'll give you a hug when you're not drunk, ok?" George said, laughing quietly at Dreams actions. He's so cute when he's drunk, George thought.

"Nooo, give me a hug." Dream continued to whine while pouting at George, also dragging out the 'g' in 'hug'. Which just gained him another head shake from George. "Pleaseeeeee." Dream kept whining, which just made George chuckle, considering he still wasn't giving up. After quite a few more minutes, Dream huffed and crossed his arms. To which George let out a relieved sigh, thinking he was finally going to stop.

"Georgiee, i'll cry if you don't cuddle with me," Dream said while having a sightly visible smirk on his face, which George didn't see.

"Dream, i'm still not gonna cuddle with you. Just go to sleep, and i'll give you a hug in the morning, " George replied, still laughing at how Dream sill wasn't giving up.

"But Georgee, do you want me to cry?" Dream asked while pouting and sticking his arms out to George.

"No Dream, i don't want you to cry. But i know you won't cry, " George said, smiling at Dream.

"But i will cry," Dream said while whining.

"Gosh, you had way too much to drink, Dream," George mutters under his breath, sighing after and shaking his head.

"What did you sayyy?" Dream asked.

"Huh- oh um nothing," George replied, not telling the entire truth.

"Well, i definitely heard you say something. Come on, just tell me what you said, Georgie," Dream said back.

"Dream, i didn't say anything i already told you."

"Ughh, whatever, now come here,"

"I also said i'm not coming to cuddle with you!"

"Ok, fine."

"Wait, so you're fine with me not coming to cuddle you?"


"Oh... ok?"

George was still very confused about why Dream had just suddenly changed his mind. He doesn't usually do this, especially when he's drunk, George thinks. Now the room was quiet, neither of them saying anything, now George was regretting saying no to Dream. If he had said yes, then he wouldn't be cold right now. He would also be talking to him instead of neither of them saying a single word. Little did George know, this was Dreams plan the whole time. Dream thought that maybe if he gave George the silent treatment, then he would come and cuddle with him. And well, his plan worked.


"Hmm, yeah?"

"Are you sure you wouldn't regret it in the morning if i did come cuddle with you?"

"Of course i wouldn't regret it! That's why i asked you, Georgie, " Dream replied, laughing slightly. Clearly, the alcohol was getting to him now, as after he started laughing so hard. It ended up with Dream doing his iconic wheeze, and George laughed at him. They both honestly had no idea what they were laughing about, but right now, it didn't matter as they were both in their own world laughing at nothing in particular.

After quite a lot more laughing, they had both calmed down, now able to at least form words. Then they both remembered what they were talking about before their laughing fit had started. So Dream asked, "So, what's your answer?" While looking at George with a small smile finding its way onto his face.

"Okay, fine! Come here, Dream, " George replied with a wide smile on his face, opening his arms signalling for Dream to come. Dreams head perked up, not thinking George would actually say yes. But, he stood up way too quick out of excitement, falling down back down, luckily, onto the couch because of the dizziness. Afterwards, he waited a few seconds before getting back up and walking over to George. He then jumped into George's arms, shocking him quite a lot as he wasn't expecting Dream to jump into his arms.

Dream dug his head under George's chin and wrapped his arms around George's back, which caused a red colour to paint George's cheeks (a/n: what cheeks we talking about 🤭). They stayed like this for a few moments before George decided to move Dreams hair out of his face. He reached his hand up to push the light brown curls out of his face. As soon as his hand and Dreams hair made contact, George felt how smooth it was, how nice it felt to touch, running his fingers through the light brown curls once again.

However, this caused Dream to get a lot more drowsy, almost making him fall asleep. And because he was so tired, he let out quite a loud yawn, showing George how tired he was. George didn't think he was that tired, but he was most definitely wrong. After Dream had yawned, George said, "Dream, since you're so tired, you should go to sleep." Still smiling at him and moving his hand through the soft and smooth curls on Dreams head.

"Ok," Dream muttered back, getting 2 pillows. One was placed on George's chest, where Dreams head was laying, the other being placed under George's head on one of the arm rests.

"Wait- that not what I meant..." George tried to say before he felt Dreams' soft breaths on his neck, sending shivers up his spine. After he saw that Dream was asleep, he decided he would sleep as well since there wasn't much else he could do, even though he wasn't even that tired. He stretched his arms as much as he could to turn off the lights while also trying not to wake Dream at the same time.

He then settled back down, wrapping one arm around Dreams back, the other hand making its way back to the soft, brown curls placed on Dreams head. Then, finally, closing his eyes and letting sleep take over his now relaxed body.

Dream should get drunk more often, George thought.


Words count: 1244

Yo this is actually too sweet, it's making me smile sm and I'm the one writing it :)

Do you guys think i should write some angst for this one shot book bc I have some ideas in drafts that I still haven't started writing / I haven't finished writing yet. Lmk if I should post them, bc if ppl don't wanna read them then I won't write them lol.

Hope u enjoyed this chapter bc I defo enjoyed writing it, although there is things that I think could've been written a lot better but oh well I can't be bothered to change it now lmao.

Also constructive criticism is very much appreciated, as well as pointing out any spelling errors you find but don't be rude about it pls :)

Also to clarify what I mean by 'being rude' is like you can make fun of me all you want and comment thing like 'lmao Draam is such a cool character' and things like that. But if you're just straight up being rude then pls dont comment :)

Btw I did proofread this twice but it's 1am rn when I'm posting this so there's probs a lot of spelling errors lol

Hope you guys have a good day/afternoon/night! :D

Love you all <3


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