Patches (Fluff)

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I think the only slight tw in this is nightmare but it's not very detailed.


Dreams pov:

I had been looking ALL over our house for patches for around the last 20ish minutes. Why am I looking for patches? Because I'm going to sleep now I can't sleep without her. And I'm really fucking tired after doing a 4 hour stream today and then also joining George's stream for 2 hours. Speaking of him, I haven't checked his room! Patches must be in there and if she isn't... I don't know where else I'm supposed to look for her.

So I walk all the way over to George's room and knock on his door. A few seconds later I hear a muffled "Come in." So I twist the door handle and walk into his room to see him sitting on his bed with a sleeping patches lying down next to him.

"Awww you guys are so cute together" I say with a wide smile on face. After I said that I could see George's face turn away from me and a red colour dusting his cheeks, making my smile become impossibly wider.

"Oh shut up idiot why did you even come here in the first place?" He asked me still blushing heavily from my past comment.

"Well... I came here to get patches cause I'm sleeping now. But she already uh fell asleep so um- I don't know really what to do." I reply looking towards my feet, bringing my hand up to rub the back of my neck.

I soon hear George chuckling so I look back up at him to see him looking back at me with a confused expression. "Why do you need patches if you're sleeping?" He asks me.

I look back down at the ground nervously, not knowing whether I should tell him or not. After thinking for a few seconds I decided on telling him scince there nothing bad that could happen, right?

"Well uh- I don't know I guess I just feel safer when she's sleeping next to me and she makes me feel calm. I also have been sleeping with her for years and she is good company, she just basically helps me sleep." I say nervously to George hoping he won't judge me for it.

"Oh, okay thats fine. You can take patches" he says with a smile ok face while looking at me.

"You- you're not making fun of me?!" I ask genuinely surprised. Everyone I had ever told this to always either thought I was joking or they laughed at me and thought I was weird.

George looks back at me with a confused glance. "Why would I make fun of you?"

"Well, everyone I've told has always made fun of me and laughed or thought I was joking..." I say quietly quietly not knowing if he even heard anything I said.

"Oh well I'm not making fun of you for it. But you can take patches now, I can tell you're tired" George giggles at me.

"Okay sure I'll take he- oh shit, she fell asleep" I say with a loud sigh. I bring my hand to my forehead rubbing it gently.

"Does it matter if she's sleeping...?" He asks confusingly.

"Well, if I wake her up she will be mad at me for waking her and she'll run off and then I won't be able to sleep" I say in reply and see George's face change to one of understanding but also like he's about to mock me.

"Sound like you're talking from experience huh?" He says cockily (cock haha) with a smirk planted across his face.

"Whatever... " I say but he's looking at me with a questioning glance.

"Yes... I do have experience..." I say ashamed. He then starts jokingly teasing me for it and we both laugh about it before remembering why I came here again.

"So, what am I gonna do about patches then?" I ask him. I look over and he had a nervous smile placed ok his face again with a light layer of blush again as well.

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