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My eyes open up and I feel something around my waist, restricting my movement like a snake.

It's Conrad.

Conrad had fallen asleep in my room last night because he didn't wanna be alone, and now my face was bright pink because his arms were wrapped around my waist, spooning me.

Last night me and Conrad switched positions, and I cried in his arms.

I cried about Susannah and the fact I'd lose her within the year. But me and Conrad were in it together.

I pick my phone up, and see a text from my mom.

I pick my phone up, and see a text from my mom

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"Connie." I say softly. "Connie, wake up."

"Hm?" He says tiredly, before realizing the position we're laying in. "Oh shit sorry Vee."

"It's alright." I smile.

I get up and get ready, and see Conrad refusing eye contact.

"Connie don't worry about it, you really think of all people I wouldn't mind?" I laugh.

"You're right." He giggles as he walks up to me. "Hey Val?"

"Yeah?" I ask as I look up at him.

"Thank you." He says as he brushes my hair behind one of my ears. "For yesterday."

"Of course Connie." I smile.

We just smile at each other, slowly creeping towards each other. Were we about to kiss?

Suddenly, the door swings open.

"Mom and Susannah want you to come with us to get mom a dress for the ball." Belly says as she comes in, and me and Conrad stand back from each other.

"Okay i'll be down in a minute." I smile as Belly leaves, and I turn to Conrad. "I'll be back in a bit!"

"Oh come on Vee!" He laughs as he drags his arm around my waist as I walk away. "Can't you stay here with me?"

"I'll be back later." I laugh before leaving.

I smile as I walk down to the car.

Did I almost just kiss the boy I've wanted for years? Every time I even thought of him my stomach filled with butterflies.

I get into the car, and see that Belly isn't there.

"Where's Belly?" I ask as Susannah starts pulling out of the driveway.

"On a date with that boy Cam." My mom says.

"Whose Cam?" I ask.

"You'll meet him tonight." Susannah smiles. "But we need to talk to you."

"Okay, what's up?" I ask.

"We're worried about Connie." She sighs. "We're just wondering why you guys were gone so long after his outlast on Jer?"

"We were talking on the beach." I say.

"Is he alright?" Susannah asks.

"Yeah." I lie. It wasn't my place to tell her what he said or how he feels.

"Val, we wanna know what he said." My mom says.

"We just talked about why he got mad." I say, biting my lip to hide the smile that was growing on my face just thinking about Conrad.

"If you don't wanna tell us that's fine." Susannah smiles. "I respect you staying loyal to Connie, you must be a very special friend to him."

"Yeah." I say with my mood dropping just thinking about Conrad only seeing us as friends "I hope so. Hey Susannah?" I ask.

"Yes my dear?" She asks.

"Connie said there's a new thing at the ball this year, what is it?" I ask.

"Oh yeah!" She smiles. "All the deb girls from last year are invited to come back with their prior escorts and do the big dance again."

I have mixed emotions. Being back there in a room with half of the sweetest girls i've ever met and half with the most toxic, backstabbing girls who made past me who was insecure even more insecure was worrying. But doing something like that with Conrad again? That would be amazing.

"That's awesome." I smile.

"And I sure don't think Conrad will have an issue with it." My mom smiles.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Oh, Susannah and I have our suspicions on Conrad, we think he likes you." My mom smiles.

"We can keep a secret." Susannah winks in the mirror to me.

"If you're wondering if I like him," I start before taking in a deep breath. "I do."

Laurel and Susannah look at each other and shriek out of happiness.

"Just don't tell anyone!" I giggle.

"We won't! Oh my gosh this is amazing!" My mom gasps.

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