first day

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My eyes flutter open, and Conrad has his arms around my waist, hugging me close to him from behind as he slept.

I gently turn around, and smile at his face.

His hair fell perfectly over his face as the sunlight glistened against his tan skin. He's so beautiful.

It wasn't long until he woke up, and he immediately smiles at me.

"Good morning pretty girl." He smiles as my body rushes with butterflies.

"Good morning Connie." I smile.

He sits up slightly and leans over, and pulls me into a deep kiss, one that turned into many.

"Conrad as much as I would love to make out with you, I have places to be." I tease.

"Oh yeah?" He laughs. "And where's that?"

"Sitting in my room thinking about you." I smile.

"You can multitask." He smiles as he pulls me into another kiss.

Minutes go by, and I just melt into his touch. I was addicted to it.

"Connie." I laugh into the kiss.

"Fine." He laughs.

I get out of bed, and he does the same.

"I'm gonna go shower." I say to him as I walk to the door of my room.

"Okay." He smiles.

He puts a hand on my waist to gently pull me to him, and he kisses me.

"Don't take too long or else I might miss you." He smiles as I open the door to leave.

"I'll take extra long." I grin, before going to shower.

After my shower, I go get dressed in my room, before going downstairs.

"Morning Val." Susannah smiles.

"Morning." I smile.

"Your mom is out with Cleveland, everyone else is out back." She smiles.

"Okay." I smile, heading outside.

Steven, Jer, and Conrad were all swimming, and Belly was sitting on the edge of the pool, and I go sit by her.

"Hey Bells." I smile.

"Hi Vee." She smiles. "You know, we have the same anniversary date now."

"I know." I laugh.

I look up and see Conrad smiling at me, and I smile back.

"He was talking about you all morning." She says.

"He was?" I ask with a smile.

"Yeah." She laughs.

I look over at him and admire him. The way the sun reflected against his shirtless body, his perfect smile, the way his wet hair fell. I was so attracted to this boy.

"You wanna go get Starbucks?" I ask.

"Sure." She smiles as we stand up and start to walk inside.

"Hey, hold on." Conrad says as he runs up to me, dripping wet from getting out of the pool. "Where you going?"

"We're just gonna go to Starbucks real quick." I say.

"Okay." He smiles as he leans down and kisses me.

Belly and I grab the keys, and go out to the car, with me driving of course.

"So how are you and Jer?" I ask.

"Good." She smiles. "How are you and Conrad?"

"Amazing." I smile.

"This morning he kept talking about how he thinks you're dating him just as a joke, cause he thinks you're way too good for him." She laughs.

"Really?" I laugh.

"Yeah." She says. "I told him how he shouldn't feel like that cause you've non stop talked about him your whole life."

"Belly!" I laugh.

"It's true!" She giggles. "He said the same."

"What?" I ask.

"He said that ever since Aubrey you were the only girl he thought about." She says. Aubrey was Conrad's ex girlfriend, his first love.

After we get our food and drinks we go home.

The second we pull into the driveway, both Conrad and Jeremiah run outside to greet us.

"Vee!" Conrad smiles as he runs up to me.

"Hi Connie." I laugh as he pulls me into a kiss. "You're cute."

"Shut up." He laughs as he kisses me again.

We look over, and Jer is quite literally making out with Belly.

"Hey!" Conrad laughs as they stop and look at us. "Have some manners."

"You're acting like you and Val don't make out all night." Jer laughs.

"At least it's not in front of you." Conrad laughs.

We all go inside, and everyone is spreading out around the house doing their own thing.

A few hours pass, and after we eat dinner, we go up to Conrad's room.

I sit down on his bed, and he sits down next to me, pulling me into a kiss.

Music was blaring on his speaker, the lights were dim, and what started as one kiss turned into another, and another, and another.

Eventually he was pushed against his headboard with me in front of him, and he was kissing me passionately.

"You're so perfect." He smiles before pulling me into another kiss.

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