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It was a week after the funeral, and I sat in my chair in my room late at night, just scrolling on my phone.

Suddenly, I start getting a call. It's Jer.

"Hey Jer." I say as I answer his call.

"Valarie, Conrad's gone." He says with a shake in his voice.

"What?" I ask quietly.

"I can't find him, he's not answering me, nothing." Jeremiah says. "I'm gonna go look for him."

Conrad had gone off to college while Susannah was still around.

Jeremiah was always upset about Conrad leaving him and his mom, but understood why. And it was good for Conrad to get out of the house.

After Susannah died, he couldn't live alone. She he lived with his dad up at his house in Boston, but his dad wasn't home much.

"I'm coming with you, i'll meet you at his college." I say.

"Okay." He says as the call ends.

The first thing I did was right a note explaining where I was going, and slipped it under Stevens door, who was asleep.

I packed my bags for over two weeks, just to be safe.

I go downstairs, get my keys, and drive.

It was currently two in the morning, and I would get to his college around six am.

Spotify blared through my speakers as I drove down the empty freeway, not caring about the number on the speedometer.

Soon, the sun starts to peak over the skyline.

Eventually I pulled into the parking lot in front of the college's dorms, and I see Jeremiah's red Jeep.

"Jeremiah!" I yell.

"Val!" He gasps as we run up to each other and meet in a hug. "Thank you for coming."

"Of course." I smile.

We go inside the dorm building, and go find Conrads dorm.

We go in, and Conrad's roommate, Trusky is there.

"Uh, I think you guys have the wrong room." Trusky says.

"Oh uh, we're looking for Conrad." I say.

"I'm gonna assume you're Valarie?" Trusky asks.

"Uh," I say as I look at Jeremiah, then back at Trusky. "Yeah, I am."

"Yeah man, whatever happened between you two last week fucked him up." Trusky says. "Not just last week, whenever you first broke up, my man was hella depressed."

"What happened last week?" Jeremiah asks me.

"Nothing." I say. I was trying not to cry.

"Yeah man, he just packed his bags and left, something about...seeing his cousin?" Trusky says.

"Cousins beach?" I ask.

"Yeah, that." Trusky replies.

"Okay, thanks man." Jeremiah says.

We go back out into the Jeep, and drive in silence.

"So, you gonna tell me what happened or just pretend like I didn't hear what Trusky said?" Jeremiah asks. "I'm guessing it was at the funeral."

"I-I don't know." I sigh. "He told me he still loves me, and I told him I still loved him."

"And?" Jeremiah asks.

"I told him I couldn't. Because I couldn't go through losing him again." I say.

I look at Jeremiah, and he looks at me and smiles.

He puts his hand in mine, and laced our hands together. "We'll find him okay? I don't think you were in the wrong Vals. He hurt you bad."

"Thanks Jere." I smile.

I look down at at our hands and smile.

But I shouldn't. I can't fall for Jere, i'm not gonna.

Not only is he my ex boyfriend's brother, but also my sister's ex boyfriend.

Eventually we arrive at the Cousins house, and Conrad's car is in the driveway.

An odd feeling went though me being back at the house.

Jeremiah sighs. "You ready?"

"Yeah." I say. "I'll go grab our stuff, you go inside."

Jeremiah goes inside, and I grab out stuff from the back of the car.

I walk inside the house and set our stuff next to the door, and I get hit with an overwhelming amount of feelings.

The house smelled like Susannah. It looked like Susannah. It felt like Susannah.

I walk into the living room, and see Conrad and Jeremiah arguing.

"Conrad you haven't answered me in months! The only time we talked was at our mothers funeral!" Jeremiah rants.

"I've been busy." Conrad sighs.

"Too busy to talk to your brother?" Jeremiah yells. "Our mom just fucking died Conrad! I needed you!"

"They're selling the house alright!" Conrad yells loudly as it goes silent.

"What?" I whisper.

Conrad looks at me, the Jeremiah, and points at me. "What the fuck is she doing here?"

"She was worried about you. We all were." Jeremiah says. "We just want to help you."

"I can do things myself." Conrad scoffs.

"No you can't." I scoff.

"What'd you say to me?" Conrad asks as he looks at me.

"I know you wanna seem like this tough guy who isn't effected or upset right now but we know you are. you're acting like we haven't knows you our whole lives." I say. "Now let us help you. And stop acting like you don't need help cause you do. I know you Conrad."

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