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"Wake up." My mom says as she aggressively shakes me awake. "We're leaving."

"Mom?" I ask raspily. I had a terrible headache. "What are you doing here?"

"Do you not remember?" She scoffs. "You called me sobbing last night, begging me to come and fix your mess. I tried you all night, and you didn't answer."

"I'm sorry I feel asleep." I say as I get up.

"Pack your bags. we're leaving." She scoffs.

"No." I say. "I'm not going anywhere."

"Valarie lets go." She says.

"You're abandoning Susannah's boys." I scoff. "What would Susannah says."

"I am sick of you using her as an excuse for the shit you've ruined!" She yells in my face.

"I'm tired of you not being a mother!" I yell.

Suddenly, my mom slaps me across my face.

I put my hand on the pain, and my mom looks at me in fear.

I run straight out of my room.

"Valarie wait!" My mom yells.

I run down the hallway to the stairs, but Conrad grabs me.

"Valarie what's wrong? What just happened? Did she just hit you?" Conrad panics.

"Get off of me." I sniffle as I push his hands off me.

The only thing I remember from last night is what Conrad and I argued about on the beach.

I walk downstairs, and to the back door when I'm stopped by Steven.

"Val, is everything okay?" He asks.

"Mom just hit me." I stutter.

"She what?" Steven panics.

"I'm gonna go to the beach, I wanna be alone right now." I say before walking out the back door, and down to the beach.

I sit on the shore, and what could've been an hour or ten minutes goes by, as I look out at the water with my knees to my chest.

Eventually, Conrad comes and sits by me. We sit in silence for another ten minutes.

"Conrad?" I ask quietly as I look at him.

"Yeah?" He asks as he looks back.

"Do you hate me?" I ask.

"Valarie what?" He asks as he puts an arm on my back.

"I feel like you hate me one second then love me the next." I sniffle as I wipe my eyes.

"Valarie I don't hate you, not even close." He says before hesitating. "Do you want the truth?"

"Yes please." I ask.

"It's because i'm so madly in love with you still, and the times where you think I hate you, it's just me trying to distance myself from you, because I can't hurt you again like I did." He rants.

I fight a smile. "You still love me?"

"More than anything." He says as he tears up. "And when we made out the other night, that was the happiest i've ever been."

"I never stopped loving you Conrad, I just can't." I say. "It's always been you. Every summer I looked forward to seeing you, because over all of my little crushes and boyfriends, I would've left them for you in a second to be with you."

"Really?" He smiles.

"Yeah, and you don't understand how happy I was when I finally had you." I say. "Then I lost you and Susannah, and it was my lowest."

"I know, and I take all blame for that." He says as he brushes my hair behind one ear. "And I will never forgive myself for hurting and losing a girl as perfect as you."

"Connie." I say.

"I will never meet a girl like you. You're too perfect. Too perfect for this world." He rants.

"Conrad!" I laugh.

"Huh?-" He asks before I cut him off by kissing him.

He freezes up, before kissing me back. His arms grabbing my waist with desperation.

My hands go to his hair as he pull me close to him.

"Valarie?" He asks as we pull away.

"Yes?" I ask.

"I wanna try us again." He says as I smile. "But not even try, I am gonna make this work. I promise on my heart and soul I will never hurt you like I did."

"Conrad I'm not mad at what happened...I take that back, maybe a little." I say as we both giggle.

"Figured." He giggles.

"But you were going through a lot, I never expected us to be perfect. I want to do this Conrad, because wholeheartedly you're the boy I want to marry. I'm not expecting us to never argue, never fight, but I just want us to communicate." I say.

"Of course, anything." He says.

"Okay." I smile.

"Okay." He smiles. "Valarie?"

"Yes?" I ask.

"Can I be your boyfriend again?"

"Of course."

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