A Bad House Elf

302 16 15

It counts as Friday.

Dobby was a very bad house elf. He would have to box his own ears for what he was planning. Maybe even take them clean off!

The magical contract all house elves are born with was buzzing in his ears, and humming through his veins. Dobby was a bad, bad elf!

But Dobby had to help Harry Potter. No matter how Dobby would have to hurt himself in recompense.

The family was sleeping, as Dobby crept into the Master's personal study.

Oooooh, how Dobby would be scolded for this! Death would be mercy, to what Dobby would get for disobeying Master! Dobby was very bad! Bad, bad Dobby!

Dobby made no noise as he hit himself repeatedly in the head with his fist. It would all be for naught if Dobby were discovered now. He would be punished greatly, and Harry Potter would still be in grave danger! He had to focus.

Dobby carefully opened the magical, glass front cabinet that sat in the back corner of the room, easily dismantling its magical defenses.

Oooooh, Bad Dobby! Bad Dobby! Bad Dobby!

Dobby carefully removed a worn, old looking diary from one of the shelves, using his own magic to create a copy to replace it. The copy would not hold up to magical scrutiny, but would distract long enough for the evil book to be long gone from here, and therefore keep Harry Potter safe!

Dobby closed the cabinet, and replaced its magical defenses, hitting himself repeatedly in the head as he left the study.

He was acting directly against Master's orders, betraying his family! But he had to. He had to protect Harry Potter!

Down in the foyer were stacks of boxes, full of old text books, and ancient spell books, that were all leaving the manor tomorrow. The book would be long, long gone by the time Master realized it was missing. And Dobby would be punished so! Oooh, Dobby! Bad Dobby! Bad, bad Dobby!

Dobby opened one of the boxes, and slid the evil book between a pair of textbooks, praying that it would be missed. His mission done, Dobby closed and resealed the box, leaving it looking as if it had never been opened.

He could only hope this would be enough to keep Harry Potter safe!

More of a prologue, but I'm holding next week's chapter ransome.

Twenty reads, and five votes. At least one comment would be appreciated, though not necessary.

Hope you enjoyed


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