Quidditch and Feathers

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The end section. It isn't bad, but I'm not sure what to label it as. Mention of trauma I guess?

Neither of his friends had seen anything overly odd about Harry's mannerisms during that first Defense class, so Harry uneasily brushed it aside. He was on guard for the next couple weeks regardless, especially around Lockhart.

He fears appeared unfounded however, as days passed with nothing out of the ordinary happening. A few times he woke in the morning feeling as if he had not slept, but put it aside as tightly wound nerves and nightmares he could not remember.

Quidditch tryouts were held during the second week, so Theo and Harry headed out to the pitch to cheer on Draco and the other hopefuls trying out. Even Hermione had wished the blond luck when they'd told her. As a Gryffindor she wasn't allowed to watch of course, but Harry was happy over even small improvements between his friends. They would still avoid each other as much as was polite, but they didn't throw glares or trade insults like Draco and the youngest Weasley boy did.

Ron Weasley was an odd case. He seemed to despise Slytherins in general, but would be friendly enough to Harry around his brothers. Fred and George had taken a liking to Harry, and seemed intent on defending him against other Gryffindors. They also made several mentions of their plan of a magic jenga tournament, though there were still a few details in progress.

On the day of tryouts, Harry and Theo found seats near the top of the stands, chatting about their most recent Charms essay, while the Slytherin Quidditch team and the hopefuls amassed on the pitch.

The two boys cheered as Draco managed to out fly the other seeker wannabes, and jeered good naturedly at the students trying out for other positions. Practically the whole house knew it would take a truly fantastic flyer to be considered over the returning chasers, beaters and keeper. Said talent seemed not to be flying today, so tryouts wrapped up rather quickly once the seeker was decided.

Harry and Theo filed out of the stands with the rest of the Slytherins who had decided to observe their team, calling congratulations to Draco as they passed where the team had gathered to wait for the stands to clear, before they started a proper practice.

Rather then head to the castle with everyone else, Theo and Harry shifted course to visit Hagrid, where they'd arranged to meet with Hermione while the two rival houses shared a break.

They were still animatedly talking about Quidditch when they knocked on Hagrid's door. The friendly groundskeeper smiled at them as he opened the door, and beckoned them inside, where Hermione was already grasping one of Hagrid's large mugs in both her hands, as she greeted them.

"Jus' come from a bit o' flying, you two?" Hagrid asked conversationally, as he retrieved two more mugs and filled them with tea.

"Watching Quidditch tryouts, actually." Harry answered gamely, gladly accepting the offered tea.

"They'll want to keep the results a secret, of course, but it was great fun to watch." Theo chimed in, accepting his own mug, and covertly nudging the plate of inedible rock cakes farther away from the trio.

"I suppose I can see how it might be interesting, but I'll never understand Wizards' obsession with such a dangerous sport." Hermione said, taking a tentative sip of her tea.

Naturally this sparked an immediate response from Theo, defending Quidditch and insisting Hermione would one day come to understand.

Harry smiled at his two best friends, as their debate somehow turned to Astronomy and the effects the heavens' movements had on Potions and spells alike.

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