Flourish and Fortescue

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Theo was glad to be away from his father for an extra month. His stay at Malfoy Manor was refreshingly fun, especially once Harry and Blaise arrived. Even the hour they all spent in the library every day was enjoyable, as they all discussed the pros and cons of each elective they could pick for third year.

Blaise was interested in Divination and Arithmancy. Which seemed at odds with each other, since Arithmancy was the study of numbers in magic, and most Arithmancers believed the future was immutable, whereas Divination was more of guess work, and open to interpretation.

Draco was planning for Ancient Runes, and Care of Magical Creatures. CoMC was understandable, as a few branches of the Malfoy family raised Abraxan horses, and as the heir to the main branch, being knowledgeable about magical creatures would be expected. Ancient Runes was more in line with his own interest in spell making, which Theo himself was interested in.

The three boys talked Harry through what the different classes were, and what sort of jobs needed which electives.

After a two hour session in the library, Harry decided Care of Magical Creatures sounded interesting, and the others helped him chose Ancient Runes by process of elimination.

They wouldn't sign up for their chosen classes until the end of their second year, but it was better to know ahead of time, rather then have to figure it out in the midst of classes and essays. That, and discussing the different classes had been a lot of fun.

Before long, the end of summer was approaching, and the boys packed their trunks, half reluctant to leave behind the summer already.

During the last week of August, Mister Malfoy announced at breakfast that the boys could accompany him to Diagon Alley if they wanted, as he had some business he needed to take care of. Naturally, the boys were excited to go. They had all gotten everything for the school year already, but that only meant they would be able to explore without the constraint of having to find specific things.

After breakfast, the four boys put on their traveling cloaks, and met Mister Malfoy in front of the large fireplace in the parlor.

Mister Malfoy pulled an ornate looking snuff box off the mantel. The box was decorated with painted Abraxan horses and white peacocks, delicate gold framework outlined the box with intricate designs engraved into the gold.

The boys went through in pairs. Since Harry had never traveled by Floo Powder before, he and Theo went after Draco and Blaise. 

They both nearly went sprawling on the floor of the Leaky Cauldron, because Harry clung so tightly to Theo's arm that when he over balanced on exiting the fireplace he almost dragged Theo to the floor. Their only saving grace was Theo throwing out his arm and managing to grab Blaise, who was standing next to the fireplace, who grabbed Draco, and the two boys managed to keep Theo and Harry on their feet. Barely.

They had just straightened themselves, when Mister Malfoy stepped out of the emerald green flames that leapt to life behind them. With a flick of his wand, Mister Malfoy banished the dirt and ashes from all four boys' cloaks, as well as his own, before they headed to the back entrance of the magical pub. As they walked, Theo subtly straightened Harry's cloak, as the brunett straightened his square framed glasses.

Once they had passed through the magic archway that lead to Diagon Alley, Mister Malfoy turned to them and said,

"You boys stay together, and don't leave Diagon proper. I have a small mater to attend to, then I will meet you outside Flurish and Blotts in an hour. I won't be long."

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