The Academy

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Shelby's Perspective-

Sorry for all the time skips :)

Shelby smiled as she walked into the academy.

It was her first year of trying to be a witch; just like her mother.

But being a witch wasn't as easy as she thought it was going to be.


Shelby walked into her potions class and sat down next to a girl with sky blue hair.

"Hi!" Shelby said, smiling, "I'm Shelby!"

The girl shook Shelby's hand, "Caleb!"

Just then, their teacher, Professor Hasley, walked in and clapped her hands.

"Welcome, future witches!" She smiled, looking at each one of them, "This is potions class, where we will be learning the effects of potions and how to make them."

She started walking around, "This is not an easy class, and it takes a lot of focus and dedication!"

Shelby saw Caleb straighten her back.

"You will need to know what ingredients to gather and how to gather them safely! Today, we will be reviewing some common potions and the effects of them."

Everyone got out a quill, ink, and parchment as they started writing.


Shelby smiled as she finished her doodle of a cat and Professor Hasley walked past.

She snatched up the paper before Shelby could grab it.

This caught attention of everyone, and they watched as Professor Hasley's lips formed into a tiny line and her eyes showed great dislike.

"Ms. Shubble, will you please stay after class?" Professor Hasley asked, taking the paper up to her desk.

Shelby felt her face heat up as everyone else started packing up and slowly filed out as class finished.

Shelby walked up to Professor Hasley's desk.

"Ms. Shubble, did you take any notes from today?" She asked, showing Shelby her paper.

Shelby nodded, "Yeah! You can see the writing on there."

Professor Hasley turned the paper around and her eyes narrowed.

"I see that you took notes on two of the ten potions we reviewed. And I can't even read what you wrote!"

Shelby looked at the paper, "Well I can!"

Professor Hasley shook her head.

"Ms. Shubble, being a witch means you need to focus. Please do not be doodling during class, you will miss this important information that will pop up on the exam later this year!"

Shelby hung her head and nodded sadly.

"Now since it is the first day, I will let this slide. But please pay attention in other classes, as some of them get pretty tricky. I suggest you get the notes from another student who was paying attention."

Professor Hasley handed Shelby her paper and stood up.

She walked Shelby to the door and opened it up.

"Don't worry," She said, "I'm not too mad. Your cat was very cute."

Shelby smiled nervously and left.

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