Chapter 1

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AviannavZamora~~~~ Jena Frumes

This school seemed fake. Almost movie like. Back in high school it was nothing like this, but it is college after all, but not like my old college.

Everybody looked... happy, like they loved being here.

"Avian?" A girl with a raspy voice asked as I walked into my dorm room.


The corner of her ruby red lips jerked upwards. "I'm Karen, your roommate." She held out her hand and I gracefully shook it.

She had long dark brown hair and beautiful hazel eyes.

"I love your eyes."

"Thanks." She grinned. "Do you want me to show you around now?"

"No I'm fine, maybe later, I just got off the plane so I just want to settle in."

"Oh okay, well if you're not too tired maybe you should come with me to 'The Cup'?"

"I'll think about it."

She nodded and somebody knocked on the door.

"Shit, I'm sorry, I forgot my boyfriend and my brother was coming over today."

"Oh it's fine, is that a bathroom."

She nodded and I grabbed my pajamas towel, rag, soap and other bathroom necessities.

I walked in and closed the door and took a shower. Washing my hair with coconut shampoo and my body with strawberry soap.

I brushed my teeth right after i changed into my blue pajama shorts and white T-shirt I walked out and decided to air dry my hair.

"Oh Avian, meet my boyfriend, Asher and my brother Connor."

"Hi." I gave them a small smile.

Asher had brown hair and brown eyes. Connor had golden brown hair and green eyes..

You couldn't really tell they were related.

"Nice to meet you." Asher said.

Connor just stared blankly at his laptop.

"So we're going to The Cup now, I'm thinking you're not going unless you're wearing that."

"Oh sorry, my mind just wanders off and I forget things."

"It's fine, my brother didn't want go anyways so he'll keep you company."

"What? No!"

I felt taken aback but what doesn't?

"Stop being such an asshole, sorry about him he's like that with new people, that is why I never had a friend... or a room mate."

"You're not going anywhere Karen."

"You're not the boss of me Connor, you're the one that wanted to use my room to study so go ahead and study, Avian isn't a bother.I'll see you later Avian."

I nodded and they left.

I started to make my bed with the sheets that my Nana bought me along with some other stuff cause she was so excited, and I quote:

"I'm so excited,my youngest grand baby is going to college."

Legend has it, I'm the first in my family to go to college since my nana. My mom got pregnant with my brother early and my brother is in jail and my cousins are wanna be thugs.

My phone rang and I quickly went through my bag to stop the embarrassing ringtone my best friend put for her contact.

'Cause my best friend finna, she finna oh...'


"Hi best friend! How is everything over there?"

"It's good but hot." Who knew it would be as hot as Miami up here?

"The boys?"

"I just got here so I don't know."

I wouldn't consider Connor hot, he looks good, really good but not hot.

"I can't believe you left me here."

"You would've been with me but yo dumb ass decided to give it up to Mikey."

"It's been six years, plus he said he was going to be there for me."

"Whatever you say Tina."

She kissed her teeth. "Girl bye, Baby #1 spilled his spaghetti-os."


"Mikey! You so damn clumsy."

"It was hot!"

I rolled my eyes and hung up.

I looked at Connor and noticed him staring at me.


He didn't say anything, he just looked back at his laptop.

I really hope other people here aren't like him.

I finished my bed with Mr. George. When I was 4 before my daddy went to jail he gave me my first stuffed animal, Curious George.

I decorated the wall my bed was against with pictures of my friends and family some celebrity crushes and some of my drawings.

I don't draw on a daily basis, it's just something I do for fun. My main passion is dancing, I've been dancing since I was four. My mom signed me up for ballet since it was free then after that I've been going to hip hop, then an all dance class.

Once I was finished I got under my sheets and faced the wall. I wrapped my arm around Mr. George and fell into a deep sleep after a long day.

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