Chapter 10

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"Congratulations." I tried to sound happy for Karen but it didn't come out as I thought it would.

Asher proposed to her last night right after she told him she was pregnant.

It's been three days since my recital and he's not back yet.

"Come on Avian, don't look so glum, you could help me plan the wedding that would get your mind off of Connor."

I sighed. "Maybe you're right, maybe I just feel like this because this is my first intimate with somebody. Let's look for a dress for you."

"That's the spirit." She grinned and we walked to my car.

We went into a dress shop and she tried at least twenty dresses.

"I like this one." Karen walked out with a long sleeveless white dress. The flow of her dress doesn't start till a couple of inches below the thigh.

"It's beautiful."

"I know right, me in it makes it even better."

I laughed at her cockiness.

"I'll take this one."

The lady nodded.

Karen sold her painting for $50,000. I know it's a lot. So now she has enough to buy the dresses and the venue. Asher's parents are paying for the rest.

It's sad that neither of their parents would come, They're all working, at least I have something in common with them.

"This would look cute on you." She held up a dress after she got out of the one she has worn before.

"It would?" I asked as if I actually cared as I got up to walk to the counter.

"Try it on."

I laughed. "That's funny."

"I'm serious."

"Nah, I'm good, plus I didn't shower after class."

"Excuses Excuses."

She paid for her dress and we went to go get some ice cream.

"My brother really likes you."

"I know." I said as I put a spoonful of vanilla ice cream with multicolored sprinkles.

"Maybe even... love you."

I swallowed and laughed dryly. "Very funny Karen, you're on a roll today, what's next? You saying that Connor and I should have a baby."

"You should."

"No!" I exclaimed. "We've only together for three weeks."

"So? I know you guys feel good about each other, are you really going to wait ten years to tell him that you love him?"

I shrugged. "I was thinking five."

"You've made my brother happy, I haven't seen him this happy since we were kids."

I looked down and continued to eat my ice cream.

"What if I told you Andrea isn't really lesbian and they've been hooking up while..."

"I'll stab her thirty six time, cut her hair off and sell it on the street for free, shoot her in the titties set that bitch on fire and roast Marshmallows over it." I said one breath.

Karen smirked.

"Are they?"

She laughed. "No."

"Good, I would've cut his balls off and donate it to men with no balls if he lied to me about that."

"God you're crazy.... Crazy in love."

I rolled my eyes. "Fine I admit that I really like him, my ex use to cheat on me and I don't want Connor to slip through my fingers, he's a great guy."

"Then tell him how you really feel and not what you think."

"What if..."

"Just do it."

I slowly took out my phone and noticed I got a text from Connor.

'We found the singer but I need a couple more days.'

I dropped my phone. "Two weeks, I can't do this, I need to be with him, I want to hug him I want to kiss him, I just want him."

I never felt so needy for a man before, when I found out Jacob cheated on me I took it well, I just stayed with him for popularity.

"Come on, let's go to the library and find a Venue."

Later that evening, Karen tried to cheer me up by going to the strip club. All I did was drink Shirley Temple while watching Karen get a lap dance from a male stripper.

Kind of like a Pre- Bachelorette party.

We finally got tired and went to our dorms and went to sleep.

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