Chapter 9

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It's the night of my Recital and neither of them are here.

Connor called me the next at after he left, he told me that he never got much sleep on the plane because he's afraid but In his words, he didn't want to. He called everyday except yesterday and today.

I am really worried.

But My dad said that they couldn't release him but he could have a police escort to watch.

So I'm happy about that.

"Ow!" I yelped as Tina tugged on my hair with the comb.

"Damn girl if you look in the dictionary for nigga hair, a picture of yo head will be there." Tina said as she bumped me with her seventh month old belly.

That's right! My best friend caught a plane and landed this morning just for my recital and to meet my "new boo"

"Now I'm done." I looked in the mirror and saw that she straightened it and put it in a bun.

"Can you dye hair too? The last time I did it, I went through my whole freshman year with green hair." Karen said.

We all laughed. "Sure."

"Avian, you're on in ten." Ms. Calloway said.

"But Connor isn't here!"

She shrugged and rushed off to the other dancers.

"He promised."

"He's not answering. "Asher said.

"Are you just born like that or does to moms give you a perm once you're born?" Mikey asked Asher.


"Shut up Mikey!" Tina snapped.

"I can't believe he's not going to make it."

Karen rubbed my back.

"My dad promised he'd be back from the grocery store, he ain't come back yet."

I glared at Mikey.

"Baby, you ain't helping."

"We're going to take our seats." Karen said.

"Can you guys record so when he comes back he will see why he missed?" They nodded and left.

"You're on Avian."

I nodded.

I looked into the mirror. "You could do this." I told myself.

Ms. Calloway held my hand as we waited for Andrea to finish her dance which was the salsa.

Once she finished she walked to us and she gave me a tight hug. "Good luck."

I frowned and nodded. "Thanks."

I walked on stage and got into position waiting for the music to start.

I stared out into the crowd to look for but he wasn't there then my eyes landed on someone I haven't seen in 15 years.

He smiled and gave me two thumbs up.

The music started and I waited for my part then I danced.

I tried to put as much emotion into moves as possible.

But what emotion?

How should I feel.

I closed my eyes and I suddenly pictured Connor, He was smiling.

That smile I fell in love with, even though it doesn't come up often.

Our two weeks together popped up in my head, our first date, our second at a Pizza Parlor, I remembered the look of disgust he had on his face when I ate my pizza and Milkshake all in one swallow.

It tastes good! It was my moms craving when I was in my stomach I guess it never wore off when I came out.

That day he helped me practiced and he tried to dance. I smiled when I remembered he tried to twerk.

A sound of clapping interrupted my thoughts.

I'm finished?

I looked at my dad and he was on his feet clapping .

'I love you princess.' He mouthed.

'I love you too.'

I walked off of stage and everyone crowded around me congratulating me.

Hours later I was outside walking up to my dad.

We stared at each other then I looked at the officer to see if it was okay to hug my daddy.

He nodded and I jumped into his arms and sobbed. "I missed you so much daddy!"

"I miss you too mija." His voice came out hoarse.

I knew he wanted to cry. I knew he wasn't a cryer though but I guess that changed when felt tears on my shoulder.

"I'm proud of you, never give up on your dreams."

He put me down. And I nodded. "I won't."

"Time is up."

"Don't you see we're having a touching moment here?"

He shrugged. "I'm just trying to making a living."

I rolled my eyes and hugged my dad one last time.

"Bye Princessa."

"Bye daddy."

The officer handcuffed my daddy and put him in the back of the car.

I waved as the car drove away.

Tina and Mikey had to catch the flight back to Miami and Karen and Asher went somewhere.

I drove to my dorms, took a shower and changed into my pajamas.

I got into bed and checked my phone.

'I'm sorry I missed your show, I'll make it up to you when I come back.'

'When are you coming back?'

'I don't know I was suppose to be back by yesterday but they needed me too meet up with a singer to sing my songs and we're still looking, I'm sorry, how was everything with your dad?'

'It was good, he had a police escort so we didn't have much time together, I miss you so much.'

'I miss you too.'

We texted some more that night until I fell asleep

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