Chapter 5

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"God I'm late." I rushed from the bathroom to the closet and changed into shorts and a tank top.

Connor wasn't here, like he couldn't wake me up before he left.

Still an asshole.

I smiled because of last night, it was wonderful, we didn't do it, it was just nice to have someone to cuddle with.

I slid on my ballet shoes and grabbed my duffle bag.

"See yah later Karen...Asher."

They were actually doing it under the sheets so they didn't pay me no mind at all.

I rushed to the dancing hall and thanked the lord for getting me here on time.

Every one was either practicing or stretching.

I decided to stretch, because that's the most important thing to do before dancing or else you'll pull a muscle.

On my last stretch Connor walked in with some tanned girl in a red sundress.

I narrowed my eyes at her then rushed over to Connor.

"Hi Connor." I eyed the brunette. She was smiling at everyone.

She's not his type.

"Hey, sorry I didn't wake you up, I had to get here before everybody did, to set up my music."

"That's okay."

"Oh this is Andrea."

I gave her a fake smile and shook her hand.

"It's very much nice meeting you."

"She's from Spain, she just transferred here."

"Oh, es mejor que se mantenga alejado de mi hombre." I said with a fake but incident smile (You better stay away from my man)

She looked taken aback at first then she smiled back. "Usted, evidentemente, no sabe de lo que hicimos antes de llegar aquí , así que creo usted es el thats uno supone que retroceder."

(You obviously don't know what we did before we got here, so I think you're the one that's suppose to back off.)

I gapped at her an she laughed as if she told me a joke.

"Class is starting I have to go." I stormed away from them.

How could he do this?

I don't even care, it was just one kiss. He's the one that said relationships are a waste of time. Maybe he's right.

"Alright, into positions!"

We all rushed to our spots.

"You all will be doing the dance you auditioned with, one by one." Ms. Calloway said, she was the lady who scared the crap out of me when I auditioned.

She didn't yell or do anything mean, it's just the look in her eyes, makes me shudder.

They went by last names and I thank the heavens for having a Hispanic last name, Zamora.

As the minutes went by people that went left now it's just me and some girl who isn't focusing on her balance.

She finished now it's my turn.

Ms. Calloway smiled as I got into position.


I glared at the Bitch and walked away with Connor.

"Are you two hooking up?"

He choked on his water. "What?!"

"I was just wondering."

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