chapter 2

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*William Fox*

I read the sign on the road as I am nearing to my destination. It says “Welcome to the Isle of Artavia” sounds odd and myterious, I thought.

I saw on the internet that they had a good beach here that’s why I chose this place. I checked in on a hotel. Dropped my bags on the floor and myself on the bed. This had been a long and tiring day. I passed out.

I woke up the next day, it’s lunch time. Woah so much with sleeping, but it felt good. I took a shower and went down stairs for lunch, I ordered seafood. I roamed around the small town seeing all the tourist spots. On the late afternoon I decided to go swimming and some jet skiing. Okay, I flirted with some hot babes on bikinis. Went swimming again. Now it’s dark, I went out from the beach and rested on the shore letting the water splash in my body. I closed my eyes relaxing and focusing on the peaceful waves of the sea… then I heard someone crying. I opened my eyes and looked around. It stopped, maybe I’m just hearing some things cause there are too much water in my ears.

 I stood up and grab my towel, I tuned away from the shore and I heard someone is crying again. I cleared out my ear. It’s now very audible; I can even say that it’s a girl. I looked around and noticed that there are only few people left on the shore and I’m the one farthest from everyone. Then my eyes got noticed with a cave, the moonlight is shining brightly upon it. It seems like it wants me to go there. And so I did.

I slowly walked towards the cave. When I’m there I looked around again, nobody is nearby. The crying stopped and now I can hear someone sniffing. It’s just she just finished crying.

“Hello?” I shouted to the unknown.  I noticed that the sniffing stopped.

“It’s alright, I won’t hurt you.” I said and went inside. As the moonlight led my deeper into the cave, there I saw a girl… lying on the ground…  naked. She didn’t seem to care that a man is now looking at her. she just stared at me and drying her tears.

“Woah.” I said. I gave her my towel. "You have to cover yourself you might catch a cold". She didn’t seem to hear me and instead just stared at me. I looked at her. Her violet eyes are focused on mine, it’s so beautiful that I can’t focus on what to do next. I mentally slapped myself and brought me back to reality.

“Ok so you don’t want to cover yourself, so I will.” I said and brought myself closer to her and wrap her with a towel. Again I was shocked that she didn’t even avoided me or showed some fear. I mean she’s naked, and drop-dead gorgeous, alone in a cave with a man she didn’t know, how come she’s so calm. She didn’t say anything but just smiled.

I awkwardly smiled back.

“So… what’s your name?” I asked. She’s just looking at me. The look that you will give to a thing that you just saw and find it interesting, yeah she gave me that look.

She reached her hands to my face, touching my nose, my eyes, my lips. Oh I forgot to say that I’m still half naked. What does she think I would feel when she’s looking at me like that and touching me like that?

Then she looked down and touched my legs, she travelled her finger freely to my thighs down to me toes.

“Excuse me?” I said, she looked at me in shock. Then her eyes changed into color, it’s light pink. I looked at it, then she avoided me.

Now that I noticed she’s… kind of weird. I checked her from head to foot. She has long hair, way too long. It goes down to her butt. She has a flawless skin, her eyes goes in different colors. The weirdest thing is the thing that is on the center of her chest. A crystal it’s transparent that the moon’s light made a reflection into it. And it’s buried into her skin. I went stepped closer. She pushed me. Now I can see that she’s afraid. Her eyes changed colors again, now it’s yellow.

She didn’t scream , she just made a sound. Is she mute? I asked myself.

“It’s alright, I won’t hurt you.” I said, looking at her, now her eyes went back to violet. I went closer and touch her hand. She looked at me. “It’s alright.”

“What is your name?” I asked her again. But she didn’t respond. “Do you have any companion?” she shook her head, it means she understands me.

“Where is your house?” she looked at me confused, “Your home?” then tears immediately falls from her eyes and now it’s orange.

“I’m sorry.” I said, guessing that she must have had a bad day from her home. I hugged her and brushed my hands to her amazingly smooth hair. She didn’t fought back when I hugged her, which took me by another surprise. She didn’t move so I looked at her.

Is she sleeping? Her eyes  are closed and now curling up tightly to me. This is one heck of a girl. I shook my head. I tried to wake her up, but she’s a dead sleeper.

I took her in the hotel. People looked at me while carrying her like a princess, it’s embarrassing but what can I do?

 I put her down to bed. Now that she’s asleep I made a closer look to the crystal buried on her chest. What is this? I want to touch it, but she moved. I watched her sleeping peacefully. How can she even sleep like that and leaving herself to stranger and to a man?

I took a shower to freshen up. When I went back to room, she’s not there but the towel is still. Did she walked around naked?  I looked at the window it’s closed. So she didn’t escape from there. I was about to go out when I saw her on the little kitchen eating what she could find in the fridge. And she’s naked.

“You have to learn how to cover you self missy.” I said. I took the bathrobe and help her stand up, still some food on her mouth and hands. I put it on her avoiding my eyes, which I don’t know why, I’m used of seeing girls naked. I waited for her to tie up the robe but she didn’t do anything.

I rolled my eyes and tie up the robe for her. She smiled.

“So you’re hungry huh.” She totally ignored me and went back to the fridge. “Hey, you don’t eat it like that.” I said grabbing the banana that she was about to eat without peeling it.

“See you do it like this?” I said while peeling of the banana. She watched me like a little kid learning how to peel.

She did what I just taught her. Now she peeled all the bananas that were on the fridge and I just watched her eat all of it. She burp and smiled at me.

“Good for you.” I said, she yawned. “So now you’re sleepy again. You can go back to the bed, I can sleep on the couch.” She just looked at me again, I can see that she is trying to comprehend what I just said.

I led her back to the room and gestured her lay in the bed. She didn’t move.

“Do I really have to do every single thing for you?” I asked her but no response. I rolled my eyes.

She rolled her eyes too.

“Are you mimicking me?” I asked. She just smiled. I shook my head. “Now go back to bed.” I said pointing the bed.

Again for the thousand time, she just looked at me.

“You really want this the hard way huh.” I walked towards her and carried her like a princess. Normal girls would freak if a stranger that would carry you like this towards the bed.  To my thousand surprised instead of screaming and stuff, she smiled at me and wrapped her hands on my neck. I looked at her.

“You are quite surprising, you know that?” I don’t if she understood. I laid her on the bed and she curled up still clinging into me. “I know, you find me handsome and stuff, but I’m a gentleman so I have to sleep on the couch.” She’s not even listening.

Now she’s sleeping while her hands on my neck. Oh well this is be on my advantage anyways… I fell asleep with my arms around her waist.


What do you think about the girl?? hehehe

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