chapter 21(pre-FINALE)

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Chapter 21


We sat at the hospital room where Art was admitted and miraculously he is now stable again. The doctor said that He shouldn’t have taken the oxygen mask and should not stress himself from talking. They already injected him some drugs to make him sleep longer. Stupid kid, he knows that he is not well but he still forced himself just to say to Larissa that he loves her. Does he think that he is going to die? But on the other hand, he is very brave. Larissa never left his side again.

Ever since we got here, I’ve been alert, haven’t had enough sleep because the Vipers might appear again. They don’t really care when and where or if other innocent people will get involve. It’s been three days since Leroy left, but he’s not back yet. I wonder what happen to him.

After five more days the oxygen mask was taken from Art that means he can talk.

“It feels so good to be able to talk again.” He said and stretched. “Ow!”

“Stupid, you’re still not fully recovered you should be more careful.” I said.

“Whatever you say dad.” He teased. I just shook my head.

“Neola can you make him heal faster?” Larissa asked and all eyes are on her.

“I-I will try..” she said and went closer to Art’s bed. “You will feel pain, but you have endure it okay?” She said. Art nodded.

Steve locked the door. Neola put her hands into Art’s body and closed her eyes. She made some concentration and some light appeared from her hand. When the light went through Art’s body he immediately screamed with agony. He is clearly showing that he is pain, Larissa took his hands and Art looked at her, I think their connection somehow made it easier for him cause he stopped screaming, instead he just growl loudly and I can see that he is hiding some of the pain because of Larissa. Neola continued and Art’s veins are showing up, he still in so much pain.

“Neola.” Larissa looked at her sister, but she ignored her.

Neola’s eyes were closed and when she opened it, it was all white. The light grew bigger when she opened her eyes and now Art couldn’t contain the pain anymore and shouted. It was so loud that I went to Neola and held her shoulders, she relaxed and the light went smaller until it was out. Neola fell into me.

“Are you okay?” I asked her, her eyes are not coming back to its normal color. I shook her slightly. Then she started to breathe like she stopped breathing. I released a sigh and leaned my forehead into hers. “Please don’t do that again, you’re giving me a heart attack.” I said.

“I’m sorry are, what happened to your heart?” She asked with worried expression.

I chuckled. “My heart is fine for now, so don’t ever do that again okay?” she nodded and hugged me.

“Art?” I heard Larissa said. We stood up and looked at him. He fell asleep again. Larissa looked at me, worried. I took of Art’s garment to see his wounds… it… it was gone.

“You did it.” I said to Neola and gave me a her smile.

“He’s okay?” Larissa asked.

“Yeah, he is, I guess he just fell asleep.”

The doctors came when they heard the scream and checked Art out.

“This… this is a miracle.” The doctor said. I bit my lip to prevent myself from smiling. 

“Yes it is.” I said.

The doctor left and he said that when Art wakes up he can discharge him. Wow that was fast. That night Leroy arrives from the portal. We slowly woke up and cover our eyes as we are blinded by its light.

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