Eighteen - Recalcitrance

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Sex involves the body. Great sex involves the Force.
Year 5



I was not prepared for how sore I would feel the next day. There had been little pain when Yellow Eyes took my virginity, perhaps because it was so intense and my emotions were heightened. Whatever pain there was had been washed away beneath the rush of ecstasy.

But good gods, that changed when I woke up.

I roll onto my side and groan when the muscles between my legs protest vehemently. With that awareness, I comprehend the pain inside me.

"Ohh," I whine, the sound dragging out until I run out of breath.

Beep, booooop

"It's nothing," I grumble before pushing myself onto my butt. Letting out a string of curses, I finally sigh and look at Annie.

"Will you turn the tub on for me, and plug it? Really hot. Like a notch below the hottest setting." She beeps an affirmative and disappears into the refresher. I don't feel like going to the medbay and filling out the documentation for pain meds, but a dose sounds perfect right now.

I wait until the water has been going for a minute or two before forcing myself to my feet. I'm probably being a baby, but every step is haunted by the memory of his thick cock inside me.

My body warms at that thought, then tingles vibrate down my stomach when I remember his lips against mine.

Holy shit. I had sex with Yellow Eyes. I don't even know his name.

Annie leaves as I undress. Maybe I shouldn't have told her to make it so hot, because kriff. I put my foot in and immediately jerk it out. But the thought of my muscles relaxing...It is enough to push me onward. Someone once told me that cold water is what one should bathe in for sore muscles—but they could go screw themselves.

I force both feet in and stand there, cringing as they seem to burn off. When the feeling begins to fade, I put my hands on the side of the tub and slowly sink down. Once my butt touches the bottom, I seethe a sound through my teeth but don't allow myself to stand back up.

After a few colorful curses, my body starts to relax. And oh, heavens, it feels good. Every second that ticks by steals away more of my tension, and the soreness between my legs is forgotten. Sweat is beading on my upper lip, but I don't care. It's downright glorious.

"Bit sore?"

"Fuck!" Water sloshes over the edge of the tub as I jerk in surprise at his deep, familiar voice. Sure enough, Yellow Eyes is standing in the threshold to the refresher, looking at me with a slightly lopsided grin. "You frightened me," I say, holding my palm to my chest as if I could slow my heart.

But then I realize how naked I am and sink into the water, wishing I'd put in bubbles.

"Do I want to know how you get in my quarters so quietly?"

He smirks. "Probably not." I can't help but smile up at him, briefly forgetting who we are.

He matches my stare for a long pause before reaching out his hand. "I brought some low-dose pain medicine, if you want it."

I nod and grip the towel next to me to dry my hands. He passes the capsules to me, and I watch in fascination as he uses the Force to pull the water from beside my bed to his outstretched hand. He doesn't look at me as he fills it in the sink and hands it to me.

"Thank you," I say sincerely before popping them into my mouth. "Does it always feel like this?"

He shrugs. "I assume if there's large gaps in between sessions. You have to use the muscles like any other." I groan and let my head fall back. I only see this guy like three times a year. The chuckle that leaves him makes me think he is thinking the same thing.

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