Twenty-one - Imperium

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If you want to test a woman's loyalty, give her more power.
Year 5



What an absolute mess. Betrayal is nothing new to me, unfortunately, but it's becoming rather exhausting. For the first time, at least, I didn't have to do it all myself.

Under normal circumstances, I would have either had to leave the traitor stormtrooper to arrest the captain before she got word of the accusations against her, or send troopers to do it.

Instead, I felt Kitten's deep sense of betrayal and knew I could trust her to handle it. And once I finished with Phil, imagine my surprise when I found Kitten and Gable Karius waiting together with almost all the answers.

I listen while the admiral explains what they accomplished: Gaines is currently getting to know an interrogation droid with Captain Jurus, who had already given them a full report of his own on the subject. Apparently, there was a petty feud between the two captains, and Kitten and Karius had to get to the bottom of it before they decided he could perform the interrogation.

So far, it seems Gaines was working with two other officers to plan an attack on me and my fortress all at once. One of the traitors is stationed in the Mid Rim, the other on Coruscant—both of which I had allegedly offended in some way or another. I don't really care. It would seem the only reason the attack hasn't happened yet is because they haven't been able to get their hands on the full layout of my home. Which, is thanks to one person: Kitten.

On top of all that, my fortress is on full lockdown to prevent any of this leaking before the accused are arrested. TK-7631 informed me he had yet to send out his report of my security wing because he was worried he would be watched after the search. Which means no one outside my sanctuary knows that information, either.

It is...a relief. Not the situation, obviously, but having competent assistance.

I spend a few moments listening in on Gaines's interrogation, but it doesn't take me long to decide Jurus is doing just fine. He's enjoying it, but I can't hold that against him. Still, I send in the admiral to help wrap it up, then shoo the other lingering officers and troopers away.

And finally, I sit down. My legs protest. I haven't slept since I got home, and my body would benefit from a bacta soak after all this.

I am aware Kitten notices the stiffness in my muscles, but unlike every other being in the galaxy, I don't mind. I highly doubt she sees it as weakness. I do have to be careful not to expose my movements as too similar to how I move without the suit, because I know she analyzes 'him' too.

She waits in total silence while I give the orders to the Inquisitors to eliminate the traitors. After questioning them, of course.

I take her in once I end the call. She's been unusually still, and it isn't until that moment I remember she's probably extremely sore. We've been here for hours; the pain meds have likely worn off.

"Do you wish to return the favor?"

She frowns at my sudden question. "What?"

"The Empire is here to work for me. But you work directly with me in the protection of my home, which gives you ultimate jurisdiction over all this," I say, waving around us. "I believe you know this."

She must. I've listened to her team when Annie is around. They call this wing the 'doughboy lair'. All of them—except her, of course. Her team is aware they hold a more direct say in the protection of my home.

Watching her roll my words over in her head, however, tells me Kitten doesn't believe she should have any authority over these troops. And though I've always considered her on a fairly equal level as Admiral Karius, I'm far too pleased with her response to this disaster to continue that outlook. She took no chances. She didn't contact him yesterday; she waited for me. In this situation, I'm glad she did, because the guilty would have been alerted. And though part of me had expected her to find Gaines and unleash hell, in reality, Kitten remained calm enough to arrest the captain without ruffling the admiral's feathers.

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