Author's Note

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I'm so happy you're here, and I hope you get the same thrill reading this as I got writing it. So welcome to Fortress Vader. Come for the thrill, leave with the feels.

Much love, Alisha <3

A little extra information:

The years are based off AFE—after the formation of the Empire—and they're included at the top of each chapter because the story crosses many years. It was mostly to keep the timeline straight for me (as the story is as canon as possible) but I thought readers would like it, too. So, year 0 is 19 BBY. Counting backwards would jumble me so I decided to use AFE.

All types ships, droids, and places are canon, as well as what's happening in the timeline. (Book 2 has some that aren't.) I did tons of research on his castle, but there's a lot of info I had to create, too.

The Imperials are about half canon and half not.

I absolutely love comments! I love hearing your thoughts! And I appreciate the votes, too, because it tells me you're reading it, and I get excited when I see people coming up on big chapters. 😂🤷‍♀️ So, if you're comfortable with it, feel free to engage me in conversation!

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