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Yikes. 😂🙈 What a story.

Hopefully the ending tells what I wanted to convey...that Kat and Anakin have a lot more to deal with before their story can end. Seems to me he should be on his knees a lot more for his Kitten.

In November I'm writing a novel for National Novel Writing Month (you can friend me on NaNoWriMo under the same username, if you're there!)

But fear not! I wrote this and the sequel all at once. So, in December, I'll clean it all up, and start posting it. (I'm in my last year of college, too. And I have a 5 yr old. I promise I'm doing my best! Haha)

Want a little idea of what might be to come? Keep reading! Like going in blind? Stop here, but know that I'm SO glad you read my story. I know it's long, and I know it's a bit touch and go there for a while. But I hope you enjoyed it!!

Anyway, the sequel is not nearly as dark because Anakin is now truly battling between the light and dark once again. Vader's Fortress takes place almost in a bubble—Anakin's Fortress doesn't.

Which means...more canon characters!! Wooo!!

Who are we gunna see?

Well, Kat may not think she wants babies with Vader, but that's okay...he already has two! If he can control himself, can he earn his place in their lives? What about the Jedi who watches over Luke? Could master and padawan ever forgive each other?

And little old Thrawn who has always been a bit too curious about Anakin? Imagine his curiosity when he thinks Vader might have something going on with his chief of security. Nosy little bugger...who we love. (Firing on purgils was a little much though, Thrawn. Lol)

We can't forget Tarkin, who the Emperor very clearly forbade Vader from killing. When has Anakin ever listened?

Any other scientists you think we might see? 🤭

Hmm...the possibilities are endless, I think.

Anyway. See you on the other side 😉

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