Chapter 1: The day before

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Let's go over a few things!!
E/c • Eye color
Y/e/c • Your eye color
Y/f/b • Your favorite band
F/c • Favorite color
H/c • Hair color
Y/f/f • Your favorite food
Y/f/d • Your favorite drink
Y/f/s • Your favorite shoes


--Y/N'S POV--
I wake up to the annoying sound of my alarm clock whining. I turn my head to look at it. 6:30am it reads. I shut it off and rub my eyes to prepare myself for the long and tiring day ahead of me.

Today is the last day of summer break; before my first day of junior year in South Park High. Summer has flown by so fast it feels unreal.

I pull myself out of thought and yank my blanket off my body instantly regretting it. “Damn my room is colder than usual.” I mumble to myself.

I step out of bed and walk over to my closet to find clothes for today. I rummage through my clothes and decide on a y/f/b shirt and a pair of ripped jeans. I grab them and walk over to the bathroom to take a shower.

I set my clothes on the bathroom counter then I shut and lock the bathroom door. I turn the hot water on and step into the shower. I stand there for a minute just letting the hot water run down my cold body. It feels amazing. I then finish my shower and get ready.

I walk into my room and put my dirty clothes into my laundry basket. After that I walk over to my bed to grab my phone and go downstairs.

My mom left a note on the table stating that she went on a business trip and won't be back for a few days. Next to the note is money for food and school shopping. I pick up the money and slip it into my back pocket. I then walk over to the fridge to grab something to eat.

I decide on y/f/f and y/f/d. I finish eating my food and then I pull out my phone to text my best friend Wendy. Today we're supposed to go shopping for school clothes.

Me and Wendy are pretty close. We've been friends for years. We never really fight or argue with each other. She's like a big sister to me and she always gives me some of the best advice.. Ok maybe her advice isn't always all that good but at least she tries!!

I text her “Hey Wendy!! U wanna come over??” I almost instantly got a reply “Of course!! I'll be over in 20! See you soon!” I read it and smiled. I clean up my mess and walk upstairs to get the rest of my stuff.

I grab the rest of my money from my safe and slip it in my back pocket with the rest of the money. I then stare at my collection of shoes and decide to wear my y/f/s.

I grab them and then run down stairs to the sound of a knock on the door. “One second!! ” I yell then open the door. “Hey Wendy!! ” I say smiling then stepping back so she can come in. “Hey Y/n! Do you have everything you need? ” she asked then stepping inside.

“Yeah I just have to put my shoes on then we can go! ” I replied then walked over to the couch to put my shoes on. Wendy shut the door. “Anything new happen today?” I asked trying to break the awkward silence between us as I finished putting my shoes on.

She sighed while opening the front door. She didn't even have to say anything for me to know that her and Stan were fighting again. I grab my house key and shut and lock the front door.

“What happened this time?” I asked in a joking tone. “I found porn on his phone again. I'm so sick of him always downloading this dirty stuff!! He always says that Kenny must've done it when he took his phone but I don't believe it!! Even though it does sound like Kenny I don't understand why he didn't delete it as soon as he found out about it or why he even let's that perv on his phone!” She says clearly frustrated and annoyed.

I look at her confused and she picks up on it. “Kenny is this weird poor kid who's always trying to sleep with girls. Some people say he does it for money. But that's just a rumor Bebe told me.” She states. Bebe is our other friend I just don't talk to her as much.

“Well maybe Stan didn't know about it?” I say trying to help the situation as we walk into the mall. She rolls her eyes “I doubt he didn't know about it. I just don't want him looking at other girls!!” She says the last sentence a little louder than the first drawing some attention towards us.

“Yeah I understand where you're coming from. But let's try not to think about it that much so we can have more fun!!” I reply trying to lighten the mood. “I guess you're right. Anyways, what store should we go to first?” she asked. I look around and point at an art store with paintings all around it. Wendy looks and agrees. We then walk over there.

We both look around admiring all the art on the walls. They were beautiful. My favorite was an abstract painting that had all of my favorite colors on it. I was half tempted to buy it but it would look weird with the rest of my room so I decided against it. Wendy bought a painting that had the colors Purple, Pink, and Yellow on it. It was really pretty and reminded me of her.

“What store next? ” I carelessly asked her. She looks around and points at Victoria's secret and starts walking there. I walk along with her slightly embarrassed but I eventually get over it.

We were looking around and then we spotted our friend Butters. He was covering his eyes with one of his hands and kept running into things. I'm assuming he must've came in here thinking it was something else. I giggle and show Wendy. We both laugh for a second not making fun of him but rather at his attempt at kindness. He kept running into things and blirting out random words.

“Butters what are you doing here?” I asked him. “Oh gosh!! Is that Y/n?” He replied while walking into a table. I laughed a little and walked over to him and grabbed his arm to try to help him get out as Wendy was looking at a display. “Yes it is. Are you okay Butters that looked like it hurt? ” I asked generally trying to make sure he was okay. “Y- yeah I was dared to come in here and then I saw a bunch of women in their undergarments and I was trying not to look! I'm so sorry-” He replies as I cut him off. “It's okay Butters those were just mannequins you could've looked. ” I reply as I finally get him out of the store and Wendy walks out of there too.

“Thanks Y/n! And hello Wendy!!” He replies with a smile. Wendy doesn't reply and just waves at him. Wendy seemed off but I couldn't figure out what was wrong.

We finished shopping and headed home so Wendy wasn't out past her curfew. I take off all the tags and stickers and put all my new clothes in the washer and dryer to make sure they were clean. I had at least $90 dollars left for food. Which should be more than enough. I put the left over money underneath the vase on the dining room table and watched TV in my room until I fell asleep.

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