Chapter 9: Seven minutes in heaven

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--Y/N'S POV--
After a while spin the bottle got kind of boring. “We should play seven minutes in heaven! ” Clyde said. Pretty much everyone agreed.

We all decided to spin the bottle and whoever it landed on we would play with. Wendy and Red got grouped, Hedi and Stan got grouped, Kyle and Cartman got grouped, Kenny and Bebe got grouped and all that was left was me and Clyde. I wasn't complaining but a part of me just wished I got grouped with Kenny.

Everyone looked a little surprised about their grouping but we didn't change it. We were slightly worried about Kyle and Cartman being in the same room which Cartman and Clyde argued about for a bit. But after Clyde bribed him with KFC and video games he learned to suck it up and deal with it.

Everyone goes into the room they were assigned. Me and Clyde were assigned his room because everyone thought it might be a little weird if someone else other than Clyde were locked in his room doing god knows what.

We set a timer and closed the door. Clyde got straight to what he wanted to do but I wasn't that interested. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close. “You know there's a whole lot we can get done in seven minutes Babygirl.” he whispered to me. His words felt sharper then a knife.

“Oh yeah? Well that'd be pretty fast. ” I said jokingly instantly regretting my words as they rolled off the tip of my tongue. Clyde smiled and then we heard yelling. “Oh yes!! ” followed by a few shushes and moans. Me and Clyde laughed “Someone's having a good time! ” I yelled out while we laughed harder.

It went silent for a minute and then it started up again. “You know that could be you making those noises? Except it'd be so much prettier coming from you. ” Clyde said flirtatiously. “Screaming so loud that others are making fun of me? Yeah no thanks! I actually know how to be quiet. ” I replied saying the last sentence louder than the rest so the other people could hear.

Clyde chuckled and kissed me. I smiled and kissed back. “You know we've already wasted three minutes why waste more?” he said while pulling away. I giggled “Then shut the fuck up and make out with me!” I said and pulled him back into the kiss by the collar of his shirt.

You could tell he was slightly surprised but didn't complain. He picked me up and sat down on his bed with me on his lap. I put  my hands on his shoulders while his were on my waist. The moment was silent and heated with no complaints.

I could feel Clyde's boner poking me so I started to slowly move my waist along it. “Well fuck Y/n.” He whined and I just laughed and continued to kiss him.  We had about two more minutes left at this point.

Clyde started to guide my hips against him while kissing me more aggressively but with slight passion. I wasn't sure if he wanted to use me as a toy or tear my insides to shreads. But either way he wasn't gonna get anything more from me.

The timer went off and he groaned. I went to get up to stop it and leave but he held my waist down onto him. “No it's fine.” he said pulling me close to him. I looked back at the door then back at him.

“Fine a little longer. ” I smiled and kissed him again. He kissed back and continued to guide my waist. Just when things started to get hot again Cartman burst into the room ruining the mood we just built back.

Clyde stopped and stared at him whilst I did the same. “THAT'S ENOUGH FUCKING YOU HORN DOGS! ” Cartman yelled at us. We both just stared at him Clyde annoyed and me slightly relieved.

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