Chapter 4: Math and health

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--Y/N'S POV--
The guy next to me stayed seated and so did the guy in the green hat. “That means you go to your next class. ” The guy in the green hat said. “I know what it means. This is my first class.” I replied. “Oh okay. I'm Kyle by the way. And you're Y/n right?” He asked. “Yeah,nice to meet you. ” I replied to his attempt at an introduction. “I'm Kenny but, I could also be the man of your dreams or even your future husband. ” The guy next to me blurted out while smirking and winking at me. His muffled voice sounded familiar so did his name.

“Kemmy leave her alone! She just got here! ” Kyle said sternly to Kenny. I giggled at Kenny's comment. “Thanks but no thanks. I prefer a man who thinks with his heart not his penis. ” I said jokingly. Kyle laughed and Kenny just looked away from me without saying anything. You could tell he was slightly embarrassed and taken back.

“Damn Kenny, looks like you lost your game! ” Kyle said. Kenny rolled his eyes “No, I'm just saving it for someone more important! ” He snapped back at Kyle. “Who's that more important someone? One of your pet hoes or your hand? ” I mubbled under my breath. Kyle laughed even harder. Damn I'm guessing they heard that.

“You're fucking funny. ” Kyle said to me while smiling. I just smiled. Everyone stopped talking and class began.

I was playing on my phone under the table trying not to get noticed. Kenny looked down and noticed. He ripped a piece of paper out of his notebook, wrote on it, then passed it to me.

“I don't suggest doing that this teacher's kind of strict. ” the note read. “I'm not that stupid. I'm not gonna get caught. ” I wrote down and passed it back to him then went back on my phone. He shrugged his shoulders.

Kyle looked at us weirdly. “I can't tell if you're giving Kenny a handy or if you're on your phone. ” Kyle whispered just enough for us to hear it. I smiled at his comment. “Kenny wishes that's what's happening. I'm on my phone. ” I whispered back. Kyle quietly chuckled. “So what if I did wish that's what's happening? Would you do it if I asked you too? ” Kenny flirtatiously whispered to me.

I slightly blushed at his comment. Fuck I couldn't say that I wouldn't because I probably would. “Yeah, in your dreams. ” I replied looking him in his ocean blue eyes. I quickly looked away almost as soon as we made eye contact.

I shut my phone off and slipped it into my pocket as the bell rang telling us to go to our next class. People got up and started to leave. “Wait that's not our bell? ” Kenny said confused. “Yes it is the second bell already rung. ” Kyle said and I agreed. We got up and went to our third hour class.

Thankfully my third hour was in Health with Wendy. Kenny followed me into the classroom. Wendy looked up at me and waved at me to come sit with her and some of her friends.

I walked over to her and sat next to her. Kenny walked over and sat next to Butters. Damn maybe I should've sat over there. “Hey Y/n!! ” Wendy said with a smile. “Hey! ” I replied. Three other girls were sitting at the table with us. One of them was blonde with curly hair and was wearing red, one had brown hair and was wearing green, and the other had red hair and was wearing purple. Class has started now.

“Hi I'm Bebe Stevens! ” The blonde girl announced while smiling and applying lip gloss. “I'm Red McArthur! ” The red haired girl said. “And I'm Lola!” The brown haired girl said. “Nice to meet you girls! I'm Y/n L/n! ” I replied with a smile.

“So I've heard that you were flirting with Kenny McCormick. Or should I say Mcwhoredick? ” Bebe said to me with a smile. Wendy Gasped “No kidding? ” Lola replied. “What no? He was flirting with me but I wasn't flirting back! I rejected him every time! ” I said.

They giggled. “What did he say to you? ” Red asked. “He called himself my “future husband” and “The man of my dreams”. And Kyle sat across from us and said that he couldn't tell if I was jerking him off or if I was on my phone. And I told him I was on my phone and that Kenny wishes I was jerking him off. And Kenny asked me if I would actually do it if he asked me too. And I obviously said no because God knows where his disgusting dick has been. ”  I said all in one breath.

“Yeah that definitely sounds like Kenny.” Wendy said “You just better hope you're not his or Clyde's next target. ” Bebe said. “Who's Clyde? And what do you mean by target? ” I asked. “Oh he's sitting over there with Kenny and Butters. ” Lola said pointing at them. “Kenny and Clyde are the biggest players in school. They've slept with almost every girl in school.” Bebe said. “They take girls virginitys like it's candy from baby's. And they use them as trophies. ” Wendy said. “That's fucking disgusting. ” I said. They all nodded their heads agreeing with me.

The teacher turned around to face the board and Clyde, Butters, and Kenny started walking our way. “Oh shit look. ” Red whispered to us talking about the boys.

They came and sat with us Butters sat to my right, Kenny sat to my Left, and Clyde sat next to Bebe. “H-hey guys! ” Butters said trying to start a conversation. All of us girls giggled. And the boys looked at us weirdly.

“You better wish upon a star Y/n.” Bebe said jokingly with a smile causing us girls to laugh again. “Hello Butters! ” I replied. And us girls laughed again earning more weird looks from the boys.

“They're like rats! They sleep in the walls and come every time you say their name. ” Wendy joked. “Yeah clearly! ” I said jokingly. “I feel bad for you” Lola mouthed to me. Under the table Kenny kept trying to put his hand on my thigh but I kept moving my leg rejecting his gesture.

He then glances at me, smiles, and puts his hand on my thigh. This time I rolled my eyes and let him. Only because if I don't let him he's just gonna keep doing it and the bells going to ring in a few minutes. And then the bell rang telling us to go to our next class. Kenny groaned at the sound of the bell and we all got up and went to our next class.

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