5k Special | Akatsuki x Reader

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I hear the crunching of my foot steps as I make my way down an abandoned path. The moon had just barely risen, the sun barely set. Making my way back from the closest village to the Akatsuki lair.

I went into the village in disguise, If you could even call it that. I think in mild disgust. A bush catches on the short skirt and whips into my thigh, thorns dragging across my soft skin.

"Fuck!" I hiss. Why the hell did Pain pick here of all places to hideout at? Shaking my head, I jump in surprise at the clap of thunder overheard. Perfect.

A huge sheet of rain falls onto me through the trees and I groan out loud. I pick up the pace, trying to hurry before the rain soaked too much into my ridiculous clothes. The short skirt, knee high socks and blouse was the preferred dress code for the local university dedicated to students who did not want to become ninja. It was Pains' idea to send me into town to see if anyone had gotten a whiff of the Akatsuki moving their hideout nearby.

Technically, the skirt was supposed to be knee length, but I wasn't about to walk around looking like that. I had rolled it up to just barely covering my ass. It did help when I was questioning those old geezers. I chuckle at the memory. They had been all to eager to answer any questions the naive school girl had about the town happenings.

Cold rain dripping down my back had me marching a lot quicker to my destination. Rounding a familiar rock, I turn and march towards the house tucked neatly into the trees. It was miles from the village and I don't think they even knew it was here. We had swooped in and made our home there while we gathered intel about a potential nearby tailed beast.

With aching feet I moaned as I finally made my way up the porch, finally sheltered from the relentless rain. Shivering, I knocked twice on the door and ran my fingers together in a hand sign. "Release!" The jutsu placed on the door, preventing it from even being opened from the outside, released and I heard a click. Opening the door, I hurried inside and stood in the hallway shivering.

I heard and smelled a nice fire and shuffled towards the living room. I rounded a small corner and spotted Itachi, Hidan, and Pain sitting in silence with the TV on. Pain was reading a book and Hidan had what looked to be a glass of whiskey in his hand. Mmm, I could go for about 5 of those right now.

"There she is!" I hear an exclamation behind me and feel arms being wrapped around my body. A hand made it's way around my throat, squeezing softly. I gasped when I felt a soft lick and a bite on my neck. I smiled when I guessed who it was now pressed into my back.

"Hi, Deidara," I giggled, feeling my shoulders start to drop and relax.

"Hi gorgeous," he whispers in my ear before planting a kiss on the side of my cheek.

"Any news?" Pain asks, straight to business. It didn't escape his notice that my skin was peppered in goose flesh and my bra was on full display through the wet shirt. He gulps, and looks back down at his book.

"It's all clear. No one suspects a thing. I got all of the town gossip from a pair of oldies who thought they could get in my pants after a few shots," I smirk.

"Whaaat?!" Hidan looks over outraged, mild jealously burning in his eyes. "They didn't touch you did they, if they did I'd love to know who. I know Jashin would love a sacrifice made in your honor!" He's practically bouncing up and down in anticipation of the kill.

"It was nothing I couldn't handle." I stretch out my l shoulders from where Diedara had been rubbing them.

"You're cold," Itachi said mildly. My heart softened, he was always the first one to pay attention to my body language. He could sense how tired I was just from one glance.

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