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You watched as the raindrops hit the windshield and slid down, leaving a trail behind them, you watch how beautifully glimmered the nighttime Detroid's neons' light. You closed your eyes and enjoyed the sound of the rain. As you took a deep breath the smell of the rain filled your nose that calmed your nerves. As you looked out the window the city seemed peaceful. It looks like nothing wrong can happen here, on Detriot's busy streets.

It was almost unbelievable that you are heading towards a crime scene.

You finally looked at the man next to you. Lieutenant Hank Anderson. His grey curls were hanging lazily around his face. He was focused on the road before him. Suddenly your eyes met his. - Are you afraid, Sweetheart? - His deep voice was caring. - At the moment? No, I'm not! I'm just enjoying this unique, peaceful moment. - you smiled at him. He scoffed at your comment. Peaceful moments in Detroit as Detective?

-What about the android that you mentioned to me? *You turned to Hank to show that your attention was completely his. Or his android partner's.

-Connor? - He looked at you for a second again. You saw that a caring smile appeared on his face. - He is an android who was made to help find the deviants. -Deviants? - you raised your eyebrows. - I thought the deviants' claims were accepted and they have rights now! - Yes, they have now but Connor was made before the revolution. Even though he called himself a 'Deviant hunter' he took his part in the revolution! - He explained to you with a proud voice that made you feel more comfortable. When you last time saw Hank, his life was falling apart and he didn't even let you help him. He started to drink and push away everyone who ever mattered to him. But it changed! He didn't smell like a bar after a long busy day. Maybe this android helped him to find his peace.

-He sounds amazing! - you acknowledged and turned away with a smile. - Why isn't he coming with us? You said he is living with you!

-Don't forget he is an android! He doesn't need sleep and he got excited about our case so he stayed at the police station to work on it!

-Wow, Lieutenant! Didn't you teach your son about the work-life balance? - you were joking about the fact that visible on Hank that he loves this android as his second son. But the waited reaction was missed out, He just smiled proudly. -You will meet him soon! I'm sure you will like him because he is not like my son but my second puppy just he doesn't need food! - A hearty laugh left his lips that melted your heart. -I love puppies so it made me really curious! - you giggled and looked out of the window again.

Hank noticed that your attention wandered and he let you lost in your mind.

Walking above the City - Connor RK800 X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now