A Checkup

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This is normal speech or narration.

'This is thoughts or internal monologue.'

This is yelling or important actions.


"So how's she doing doctor?"

Vestal looks up from the tablet, displaying the results from the checkup. "She's doing well physically, although the tensions have taken a toll on her mentally. I'd recommend some rest and a better diet."

Yorktown looks confused, focusing her attention on me. "But I thought she was eating better, at least after the last checkup."

"I was... but then I got caught up with work again, and didn't bother to get more food on break."

Yorktown steps to the side, revealing me in full to Vestal, while turning to address me directly. "I told you that you need to eat more, it's having a bad effect on your health."

I look down, responding to the concerned ship in front of me, hoping to spare myself of her motherly wrath. "Sigh... You're right, sorry Mom."

Vestal, sensing the tension, attempts to lighten the mood. "Y'know, despite the difference in diet and personalities, you two look almost identical."

True to her words, the Carrier in question looked just like her mother, only 5'7", smaller in bust (slightly smaller than Hornet), and her left eye pure white, pupil and all. Her white hair is loose, down to her shoulders. Her outfit is similar to Akagi's, only with purple accents instead of red.

Yorktown looks up to Vestal once more, responding with a disappointed tone, "Yeah, but it doesn't mean she has to take after Enterprise's eating, it's a bad habit. Regardless..."

She looks down at me, giving me a glare that only mothers could give, chilling me to the bone. "This will be the last time, right? Reprisal?"

"Y-yes mom."

She suddenly looks back up at Vestal, quickly carrying on with the conversation cheerily as ever. "So! What kind of diet do you recommend?"

She stutters to start with, caught off guard by the sudden tone shift. "W-Well, I could give her a few vitamins to make up for key nutrients she may have missed, and...."

(Now I'm sure you don't need to hear diet recommendations from Vestal, so why don't we do a bit of a flashback instead?)


Nightfall was descending on Azur lane, a beautiful full moon shining across the whole of the base.

The Yorktown class of ships were retiring for the night in their dorm, exhausted from the day prior.

Enterprise stepped out of the shower, sitting down on her bed before brushing her hair. "Hornet, do you have any idea why Amagi came to help us?"

"Well she was in the area, so why not?"

"Well, how did she know to help us? We could've handled it fine, and it's not like we asked for help."

Yorktown sits up in bed, answering with, "The higher ups probably thought we could use the help, especially since her appearance helped pin them in. It saved us from any unnecessary damage.".

The silence permeates the room, the air thick all around, with the moon the only source of light.

Hornet's voice cut through the air much like a knife through butter, grabbing their attention with it. "So... what do you guys want to do once this is all over?"

Yorktown mulled it over, putting her hand to her chin, before coming to an answer, "I think I'd like to settle down, maybe start a family."

Enterprise scoffed at the notion, "Like we could have children, we barely know how wisdom cubes work, let alone how to make children with them."

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