Flora of the Moon

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I am in a field of white flowers, all looking towards the Sun in the sky. There is a stone pathway to the left of the field, going up to a small cottage at the top of a hill. When I look into the distance I see nothing but an endless sky, no clear border of up or down. There are tall lumenflowers along the edge of the landmass, with a fence behind them, and a natural stone wall behind those.

There is a great tree at the end of the field, with branches hanging a quarter of the way through the field, with white petals falling from it. Under the tree is Remission, who has been patiently waiting for my eyes to settle on her.

My rigging appears behind me, and hers appears with her. Well, I want to say it's her rigging, but it looks more like a long serpent. Its teeth are sharp and numerous, curving inwards, with a small tendril dangling beneath its chin, with the end of it looking almost like a flickering flame. It has beady white eyes, looking similar to our own, with a body covered in black metal scales along the underbelly that glow between them, and a smooth metal body otherwise. It moves with seemingly no friction in the air, as if it were swimming.

"Oh, you haven't unlocked your true form yet? How disappointing. I was sure you would've done so when Laffey was taken away from you. Hi hi!"

She speaks in a jovial tone, but I'm not in the mood for it. "Where is Laffey?"

"Oh? You are a lot calmer than I thought. Impressive. I would've been foaming at the mouth by now."

"Answer the question!"

She gestures towards the cabin with her head, "Right over there. But you're not taking my Cinna-bun away from me that easily."

I draw my Rakuyo, staring her down, but she keeps her blade sheathed.

She tsks her tongue at me, "This just won't do! I can't fight you without your rigging, that's just not right for a climax! Here, I know what would help!"

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She tsks her tongue at me, "This just won't do! I can't fight you without your rigging, that's just not right for a climax! Here, I know what would help!"

She snaps her fingers and a window's blinds open in the house. From here I can see Laffey sitting in a chair, her eyes are puffy, and her torso is wrapped in bandages. She is looking at me with horror in her eyes.

My eyes open wide at the sight, and I feel my blind eye flare up from beneath the eyepatch once more.

"Yes yes! That's it!"

I take a deep breath, calming myself. 'No Reprisal, it's exactly what she wants. Don't give her it, no matter how tempting.'

She looks surprised. "Wooooh, I'm impressed. You managed to control it! I couldn't even do that! But regardless, there's one more thing you're missing here!"

Her face turns serious. "Turn around."

Play "Moon Presence" from the Bloodborne OST

Despite my better judgment, I turn around, seeing something I'll never forget.

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