Mirror of the World

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Amagi is skewered on my arm, Laffey's body beneath us.

She places her hand on my cheek, tears falling from her eyes. "It's okay... I forgive yo-"

I rip my arm out from her chest, taking her wisdom cube with it, before dropping to Laffey's side. "Laffey, no! Please, please don't leave me!"

She is gurgling on her own blood, and I can do nothing but watch. "Please! Please."

I hear a gasp from behind me, seeing Akashi behind me. "Akashi, please! Help her!"

She looks horrified, and runs past me to Amagi, attempting to staunch the wound. "What about Laffey?!"

She looks at me, before saying "Sorry, but with the plague going around, we need everyone who can fight first."

Play "Cleric Beast"- Bloodborne

The world around me fades out, and all I can see is Akashi in front of me. I feel my rigging summon behind me, and Akashi looks at me afraid.

My rigging turns back into cubes, sucking into my body.

My eye flares up, burning a flaming orange. My eyepatch blows off my face, the energy too much for the leather strap to handle. I can feel my heart thump in my ears, and my vision is red.

"Did you do this to Amagi? How could you?"

I can feel my rigging reacting to the power flowing through me uninhibited. I am siphoning power from everything around. Laffey's rigging is pulled towards me, disappearing as it gets close. My rigging turns into a pile of cubes, sucking into my body.

It pauses for a moment, the day seemingly progressing rapidly, the Sun shining down on us despite it being the late afternoon.

Akashi looks on in fear.

My rigging leaves me, slowly transforming into a long black steel contraption. It is double the length I am now, and it is growing wider at the end. It has the shape of a jaw at the end, growing teeth that curve inwards, trapping anything unfortunate enough to be caught in it, ripping them to shreds with hundreds of needle sharp teeth.

The bottom of the jaw grows a small black strand, seemingly made of rubber, which ends in a floating appendage, with a similar look to a flame at the end.

Akashi backs up, scared of my transformation. She attempts to reason with me, but I don't care. All I see is meat.

Akashi screams as her upper body is torn from the rest of her by my rigging's horribly painful maw.

"You should've listened while you had the chance, beast!"

My rigging continues to tear her upper body to shreds, while I chop away at Amagi's body with my blade.

I hear a gasp behind me, but I smell them before even that. "Beasts all over the base... You'll be one of them, sooner or later."

I turn, seeing Takao looking at me with a face of betrayal. I rush her, and she turns to run. I can hear her heart, it's beating like mad.

She turns the corner, and I round it to see Atago looking at her. Takao screams for help, before my rigging rips her in two. Atago looks horrified, before anger replaces it just as quickly. She lets out a scream of rage, rushing me with her rigging firing, and her blade held high.


My blade silences her noises, turning them into much preferred gurgles.

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