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Play "Talk about you" by Naoki

"So how's she doing doctor?"

Tester looks up from the tablet, a small smile on her face. "She's doing well, you two have been doing good with her diet, all things considered."

I nod, looking down at Taffey. She has white hair tied back into two twin tails. She has two white fox ears, a set of two fox tails, a purple and blue eye, and is wearing Kaga's outfit, only with yellow instead of blue.

"You hear that? You've been eating well lately."

She nods, a smile growing on her face. "Yeah! Mom and Teli have helped a lot!"

I put on a look of hurt, "What about me?"

She starts hopping to reach my head, and I crouch down. She pats my head about as awkwardly as a child would. "You helped me too!"

I smile, standing back up and patting her head. She gives me a goofy smile, and I pick her up into my arms, putting her around my shoulders. "Weeee!"

Tester looks at me with a small smile, asking "So, how's your kanojo doing?"

I frown, but quickly school my expression. "She's been doing... better. While she's still beat up over her legs, she's been happier than ever, thanks to Taffey."

She smiles, nodding her head. "Glad to hear it. Have they been treating you well back at home? Ah, sorry, I meant the Sakura Empire."

I smile at her, "Yeah. Once Akagi explained it to them, it just took them a while to get over the way they saw me. Better than the Eagle Union, anyways. They still blame me for Enterprise being shot."

"Ah, that sucks to hear. Well, I don't want to keep you long. I've already talked your ears off enough."

"Bye Auntie Tester!"

I make a portal in the doorway, waving goodbye, before walking through.

Taffey hops off my back quickly, running up the path to the house in Sakura Empire. 'As thanks for saving Akagi's life and defeating the Orochi, as well as an apology for being responsible for Laffey's kidnapping, they let us have a house. Well, it wasn't initially as such, but with a kid on the way, they let us upgrade.'

I follow behind the ever excited child, closing the door behind me. Akagi, Kaga, Mom, and Laffey are sitting at a table. Thanks to Laffey's disability, we had a normal table with seats brought in, rather than the one you kneel at.

As I follow behind Taffey, I see Teli in the kitchen preparing snacks and drinks for the guests.

Teli is the Shoggoth from the Orochi. After Remission was killed, she stopped fighting, becoming my devoted follower, although she primarily follows Laffey around, helping her move around and reach objects.

I sit next to Laffey, who is quick to lean against me. Taffey runs to Mom, before running past her and grabbing Kaga in a hug. "Kaga, wanna play?"

"Kaga has taken the little destroyer's attention whenever she's around."

Mom looks at me, a little annoyed that her granddaughter chose someone other than her. "Well, at least she's socializing well. Why does she like Kaga so much, anyways?"

Kaga is being dragged by the arm, Akagi watching with an amused smile.

"Well, at first she was just enthralled by her many tails. After all, she has her two, and they both share their colors. But then we tried introducing her to Shinano, and while excited to meet a new person, she went right back to Kaga once she came around."

Teli comes from the kitchen, placing a tray of snacks on the table, as well as placing a cup of tea in front of the Japanese ships, and coffee in front of the American ships. The only exception is that of Sake, which is given to Reprisal.

"Thank you, Teli."

"Of course, Master."

Teli stands at Laffey's side, who then continues the conversation. "I think she just likes Kaga. Everyone else is all over her, but Kaga didn't even approach her at first."

Yorktown nods, smiling at the answer she was given. "Well, I guess that makes sense. She's the complete opposite of you, honey."

I nod, "Yeah, although she still does like hearing stories like I did."

"Well, there's no way your kid wouldn't be a little nerd like you."

I take a drink of sake, "Hmph."

"Wait, is that Sake?" I nearly spit out my drink.

Mom is staring daggers into me now. 'Crapbaskets.'

Taffey saves the day, grabbing Moms hand. "Come join, Gram Gram!"

Her expression flips on the dot, and she quickly follows her granddaughter out of the room.

Laffey, Akagi and I smile at the sight.

I hear the front door open, Atago and Takao entering alongside Hornet and Enty. "Sorry we're late. We stopped to get a souvenir for Taffey, but it took a bit longer than expected."

I smile and nod at Enty, and they all sit around the table, pushing it to max capacity. Of course, Atago doesn't miss the chance to tease Takao with her close proximity.

"Not with the kid around. Sis."

"She's not here right now, now shush."

"No, and stop that." She slaps Atago's hands away from her breasts before grabbing a nacho.

Teli brings out some hot tea and coffee for the new arrivals, making some of them confused at the sight.

Hornet goes to say something, but Laffey beats her to it. "Teli follows Reprisal's orders now. She is as harmless as a fly." They nod at that answer, and I add on "Well, as long as you don't threaten my loved ones, that is."

They look at Teli, and her smile turns from a pleasant calm, to a sharm and toothy grin. It flips back quickly, before she begins to prepare dinner.

Enty takes a drink of coffee, going to say something before she stops herself.

I tilt my head quizzically at her, and she sighs. "Sorry, but... I've been wondering about something."

I nod for her to continue, and she does so. "Well... what happened that day?"

My smile drops from my face, and I give her a serious look. "Are you sure you want to know?"

She nods, and I drink the rest of my Sake in one gulp. Teli takes the cup, refilling it before bringing it back.

"Well, there's a complicated answer, and there's a simple one. Put simply, I found out the portal Laffey fell in only brought her to Remission's dream, a pocket dimension so to speak. Remission is the version of me from the Siren universe, but born from Amagi, not Mom.

She was the one responsible for the Orochi, as you know. Well, she was doing that to kill me, as well as clean up any loose ends. She was talking to Akagi that day when I walked in, finding Laffey under her boot. I followed her to her world.

She showed me Laffey bandaged up through a window, before showing me her rigging on the floor behind me. I became that thing you saw that day, and killed her. You know the rest."

She nods, taking a nacho as Mom walks back in, Kaga still stuck in the other room playing with Taffey. She is in a great mood, but notices the tension in the room quickly.

This time, Akagi asks. "And... What's the complicated answer?"

My eye glows for a moment as I chug my sake, slamming it on the table. "It all started, with blood."

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