Coming Home

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The Eagle Union and Azur Lane are all in a massive fleet approaching the Sakura Empire. As we do so, I am reading my book, which details that every great one yearns for a child, such as Fauna and Flora did. 'What does she mean by "did"? Did they die somehow? Actually, who wrote this book? Maybe I could try to meet them, and see what they know directly.'

I flip the book over, seeing the author as "Amagi Remission". 'Like, the dead Amagi? That doesn't make sense, and there are no Amagi class with the name Remission either. I wonder if Purifier knows more.'

I'm knocked out of my thoughts by the waves rocking the boat, nearly throwing some of us off the boat. A massive storm is overhead, and Laffey clings to my arm to stay on the ship.

A bright flash of light sets off all kinds of alarm bells in my brain, but as I look up at the source I just see red lightning. While chaotic and looming over us, it is not causing us any damage. 'Strange, but it's almost pretty. Although, this strange feeling I get from it... it's so familiar, yet distant. What do I recognise it from- right! Back from the siren portal.'

As quick as the storm descended, it vanished. In its place, there is a massively different ocean in front of us. It truly does feel like a dream. It almost looks like a small galaxy is above us, not too different from the Siren's world.

Dozens of production-model Sirens appear through portals, where I finally see Akagi floating above the fleet.

The Royal Navy begins to go to work on the Fleet, while Eagle Union takes a step back to reserve their energy for the real battle to come.

'It's going to be a scramble to remove the key players, most likely. Enty will probably try to get in close using her aircrafts, so where does that leave me?'

The Sakura Empire's fleet begins to rear its head through many portals, staring us down.

Enty begins flying in on an aircraft, while I line up my scope on Kaga.

'Wait for it... wait for it...'

The shells and explosions rock the waves, but I hold fast. The moon shines on me as I take my shot at Kaga... and she blocks it with an aircraft.

'I may have missed the clean hit, but that doesn't mean I can't support.'

I continue firing shots off at Kaga, trying to cripple a limb to take her out of the fight.

'At least she can't summon that fox like this, or she'll be an easy target.'

Kaga looks me in the eye, before dodging around another shot. She weaves between my bullets, not even looking at me anymore.

'Dammit, let's see if that training with Purifier paid off!'

I lead my shot, shooting right where Kaga dodged into.

A smile adorns my features, and Kaga only looks at me too late.'Yes!'

Then she smirked at me.

Enty flies right into my shot, taking a hit to the back, getting knocked into the ocean below.

My eyes open in shock, and my smile is wiped off my face.

Mom, Hornet and I are all screaming her name.

I rush in, attempting to reach her body before it sinks too deep.

I scream out mid sprint, "Akagi, Kaga, WHY?! Why with this goddamn war?! It nearly killed two people in my family already!"

I don't look at Akagi, I don't want to even look at her right now. I dive into the water after Enry, only for a massive yellow beam to radiate out from her, encompassing the fleet.

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