Chapter one

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Shopping in Beverly Hills 

I strutted down the sidewalk, purse on my shoulder and my gorgeous princess trotting at my side as we walked into the dog salon.

"Good morning Viv"

"Oh hello Willow, lovely to see you."

I greeted quickly as I headed for the front desk.


"Oh look here they come"

"Is that the new Louis Vuitton?"

"Heh, I might've known she'd be the first to have one"

"That's a fabulous bag, she's so chic"

The other dogs commented as we strutted in, Viv stopped at the desk and I sat proudly at her side.

Viv opened up the bag to reveal the spoiled little white chihuahua I was trained to defend.

Ridiculous outfit I thought to myself as she approached the other dogs.

"Sorry I'm late, we had to do a little shopping" she apologized I looked away sighing inwardly, I was yet to have gotten used to the pampering that Viv gave us.

My brand new rhinestone collar made me feel like royalty, Chloe treated it as though it were just another Tuesday.

"Now that's the way to travel, I'm so jealous" remarked the poodle

"Faboo!" Huffed her pug friend

"Louis Vuitton never looked so good" complimented the Yorki

I'd never bothered with their names, perhaps I would have if I'd bothered to pay attention to them.

"Tell me the stones in your collars are not real" said the pug glancing from me to Chloe.

"Aren't they gorgeous? Viv said we just had to have them!" Chloe said smiling smugly.

Viv began speaking with the man behind the counter, I'd practically memorized their conversations by now.

Brush and a seaweed wrap, and no waxing for either of us

Chloe and her friends discussed 'Bimini's' date with the imbecile down the street Scooter, who chased cars as though they were squirrels.

Viv gave Chloe a goodbye kiss before leaning down to give me my own, one of the salon workers then lead me over to my station.


I sat with my head out of my brand new ride as Viv, Y/n and I strutted down the sidewalk.

A Pomeranian passed by giving me a catcall "down boy!" I giggled and glanced down to Y/n as she sighed shaking her head.

"Oh come on, don't act like it doesn't happen to you to!" I snorted Y/n just sighed ignoring the husky that ran into a light post when he got too distracted by her.

"Oh come on! Like you don't think about boys, what's your type?" I asked blinking down at her.

"Someone who doesn't act like fashion's the only thing in the world" she huffed as she squinted at a toy poodle dressed in a tuxedo.

"Aren't you going to be having a play date with that Belgian malinois soon?" I asked trying to recall the week's events.

"Don't remind me" Y/n groaned as she sped up.

I giggled in reply "come on Y/n you can't be alone your whole life!"

"Watch me!"


I sat down as Viv paced while talking on her phone as the humans dressed Chloe up in mini human clothes.

What a joke I thought holding back a laugh as I slid into a lay.

The humans walked over with more and more clothes occasionally turning Chloe around and asking for Viv's opinion on each clothing style.

"Hm, how about getting Y/n something nice too?" Called Viv before turning around.

Oh no I thought to myself glumly as I was led toward a different section of the store.

As I walked back out, I felt like I was in some sort of comedy, a fluffy, pink sweater had been placed upon me with a snowflake clip on my ear.

I was also taken out with several outfits matching Chloe's.

"Perfect, we'll take them!" Called Viv before turning back to her call.

I could only pretend it didn't bother me that such unpractical clothing would soon be placed upon me.


Having just been released from my hole digging a quickly rushed over to Mi Amor's favorite sunbathing spot, laying next to her was the Doberman y/n.

"Hello beautiful" I greeted dropping my gift infront of me.

"You're blocking my sun" she huffed, a light snort from beyond her, no doubt made by her guard could be heard.

I began singing her my song, ignoring Y/n's grumble about peace and quiet for a nap to take place.

"What's that smell?" She asked sitting up.

"Which one?" I asked, my excitement building as she began to finally notice my efforts.

"The sweat of my labor, or the mint patch I rolled in just for you?" Now Y/n's head was visible as she lifted her head and raised an amused brow.

"Neither" she grunted looking unimpressed.

"Then it must be the fertilizer" I replied, my tail still wagging passionately.

"Gross! You're covered in it!" She exclaimed shifting on her bed.

A light snicker could be heard, I gave the Doberman a quick glare before turning back to mi corazón. 

"Of course, I am a landscaper" I pointed out, wondering vaguely to myself when she'd spot my gift.

Giving up, I lifted it onto her bed, "grasshopper mi corazón?" I asked nudging it closer.

"I caught it myself, very tasty" i said as she lifted herself into a sitting position.

"Papi," she said pawing at it "that's so, disgusting" she said as she looked at it.

"I see your tempted" i said seeing past her guarding walls of thorns "I'll leave it here in case you change your mind."

"She won't" muttered the voice again 

"Stop ruining the moment!" I whispered at her.

"Excuse me we have guests" she said, a doorbell heard in the distance.

"Oh Rachel? Please let it be Rachel!" Y/n said getting to her paws, her stub tail wagging.

"Guests?" I asked curiously.

"You got guests ok" i said following her and Y/n as they began to move inwards.

"Hey you wanna go have a drink later?" I called, Y/n's excited bark drowning out my request.

"There's a great puddle over by the garage!" I yelped pausing at the back door as both dogs hurried out of sight.


Beverly Hills chihuahua x reader ( Diablo x reader )Where stories live. Discover now