Chapter 2

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Who run the world?

Chloe and I rounded the corner just in time to see Rachel coming through the door.

"Aunt Viv, I'm here!"

She called, I gave a loud bark as I dashed over, I could hear Chloe already criticizing the girl's tardiness.

Why should I care, she's the only one who treats dogs like dogs I thought as she had already leaned down to begin scratching my back.

"Aunt Viv hello!" She yelled standing back up and walking through the house, myself in tow.

Rachel stopped upon spotting Chloe, she then lowered her voice into a sort of baby talk.

"Where's aunt Viv?" She asked leaning down toward her, I came up to her side and chuckled.

"Where's aunt Viv? Chloe go find her!" Rachel encouraged.

"Go on, go find her!"

"Who am I Lassie?" Chloe snorted, i huffed.

Everything that's wrong with every dog here, no class. I sighed inwardly.

Rachel snorted before turning to me, "Y/n, your much more helpful, where's aunt Viv?"

She asked leaning toward me, her smile returning.

I trotted over to the doorway just before Viv came in, still talking to the air.

Is she alright in the head? Human equivalent of howling at the moon? I wondered tilting my head at her.

Viv waved in acknowledgment to Rachel before continuing on with her air-talking.

I followed Rachel as she grabbed a drink from the mini fridge.

"Everything okay aunt Viv?" She asked as she popped it open bending down slightly to give me a few head scratches.

"I don't know what I'm going to do." She said in a sort of shocked tone.

"I- uh, I'm getting on a plane at 4:00, and I gave the staff the week off" she said as she began to sit herself down on the couch.

"And Chloe and Y/n's dog nanny just had her baby three weeks early." Chloe jumped up on the couch beside her as I sat next to the loveseat Rachel sat on.

"Your not taking them with you?" Rachel asked curiously I glanced between them confused.

"No, no, no, I mean, obviously if it was a vacation of course." Viv said picking Chloe up into her arms.

"But this is a business trip, four cities in ten days." Viv said tilting her head down to look at Chloe before glancing back to me.

"They're much too delicate for that kind of travel. Plus Chloe hates Berlin." Viv said shaking her head.

Rachel pulled out her phone and began tapping, "what about a kennel?" She asked.

I didn't mind kennels, I'd been in plenty. Nothing fancy but they weren't too bad, daily meals and plenty of new things to smell.

Viv looked horrified at the thought, almost as though Rachel had suggested she'd eat us both.

"Kennel?" Choked out Chloe.

Viv's horrified look dropped to a smile "no,"

"No, I could never leave them in the hands of strangers." Viv dismissed the idea.

The kennels they have here would probably be more like five star hotels anyways.

I thought to myself, it seemed that was what every place here in Beverly Hills was like.

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