Chapter four

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A/n - rq, as an apology for failing to meet my once a week updating schedule that I made for myself and never told y'all about I've decided to make a second chapter in the same week ( would've been a day but I got distracted ), say goodbye sleep and hello back pains, I rlly need a chair for this- thx for the positive feedback on previous chapters btw, rlly appreciate it! 

- your tired author

"Let's hope a day or two without food let me lose some weight"


I lifted my head, I could hear yelling and talking somewhere beyond the broken and battered wooden walls.

A man approached my cage while another approached Chloe's.

Lord have mercy on our souls. I thought to myself as the man opened the cage door.

Chloe clearly had no idea about what was going on, she believed our accommodations were being upgraded.

As we approached the door for our side of the ring, the chanting and cheering got louder.

Just as mom described it, screams of humans with bloodlust, and another human narrating us like we're in some sick story.

"And now, the challengers!" 

My heart was hammering in my chest as I watched the door, waiting to see what this 'devil' looked like.

"One weighing in at six pounds, the other a whopping eighty pounds,"

"I give you Chi-chihuahua and her companion Ripjaw!" The announcer was already introducing us before we'd entered.

Ripjaw? Since when was I Ripjaw?

The door opened and Chloe was dropped in first before I was shoved in.

Across the sandy pit was a mean looking Doberman pincher with yellow teeth.

"So, your the devil."

Diablo bared his teeth, to reveal the yellow but I wasn't about to tell him his smile needed work.

"If your El  Diablo doesn't that make this hell?"

My nerves were making me attempt to fill the aggressive silence with small-talk but I hated the thought that those could be my final words.

Chloe had clearly not noticed el Diablo and was currently focused on the people, I spotted El Diablo eyeballing her and knew she'd be the first target.

I stepped one paw infront of her knowing full well I could take a bite or two better than she could.

Chloe spotted El Diablo as soon as I did this and was quick to make nervous small-talk, only much more offensive than my own.

"Shut up Chloe!"

"Stop talking!"

 Both Diablo and I snapped at the same time.

Both mine and Diablos hackles were up and Chloe commenting on his awful teeth was not making the situation any better.

Diablo was approaching, and I was backing up, knowing full well I would soon be running out of arena to backup into.

Finally, gathering my nerves I took the offensive and lunged for the gladiator infront of me with a snarl.


"What am I gonna do?" Delgado was mumbling to himself, he could hear the barking and growling from in his cage.

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