Chapter five

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Quick a/n - Hello! This is just a little update to ensure to y'all that I'm still going to be updating just not in a regular schedule like I wish I could. If you could, maybe suggest some Disney movies you want a reader insert for and what character they'd be shipped with? Thank you all for your outstanding support!

Dobermans in town


I hurried after the contrasting duo as Chloe began trying to reason with the gladiator.

"In case you didn't notice princesa I'm a bit large for a lap dog." Delgado shot down her idea of him moving in quite quickly.

"What, and you think I'm small enough for it?" I puffed trotting to the left of him. 

"You could be a guard dog like Y/n, our old one, Papi," Chloe began quickly attempting to keep up her offer and convince him to take us home.

Papi? Guard dog? She's so self-absorbed she doesn't even know he's the landscaper! I groaned inwardly, no way this works.

"He, uh, he ran off." She informed leaping onto a crate on the side of the alley.

"You had a guard dog named Papi?" Delgado asked skeptically not pausing for more than five minutes, which I mentally cursed him for.

"What hotel are you staying in?" He asked as he walked.

"You'll do it?" Both Chloe and I asked, I myself couldn't help but feel my jaw drop. How does everything work for her? Well, the wound thing didn't but still.

"Just answer the question." Delgado demanded "before I change my mind."

"I don't know the name but, it was no carthay hotel." Chloe snarked, her little paws tapping against the wet floors of the darkly lit streets.

"The Carthay?" He asked turning around to stop, I took this as a chance to lay down and lick my wounds. "There's one here." He huffed staring at Chloe, "would they know you?"

"They should!" Chloe began, I could already feel her little rich dog rant coming in.

"We're preferred guests, we have a gold card." There it was, I remembered seeing Viv's gold card every time she'd check us in. It was always flashed rather lavishly and always made the employees ten times nicer than before.

"Why me," the gladiator grumbled, turning as he began to round the corner.

"Of all the dogs in Mexico, why me?" I scrambled to my paws and hurried after him in a quick sprint, Chloe's tip-taps told me she was close behind.

"All I need, a Chihuahua with booties." He grumbled something quieter under his breath but I was too tired to catch it as I slowed into a walk, slightly behind the shepherd as we walked. My muscles aching, screaming to stop.


The trio halted beside one of the roads as a howl ripped through the air.

"What's that sound?" Asked Chloe, glancing toward Delgado as he cursed beneath his breath.

"Hold your breath." He ordered before shoving the chihuahua into a puddle she stood beside with his muzzle. He glanced to the Doberman at his side but she had already walked over to the grass and was rolling in it.

She finally got to her paws and walked back over, while Chloe complained of her smell.

"El Diablo's got your scent." The German Shepherd replied, nodding to the Doberman as she approached. The chihuahua was already back onto her rich dog rant about her fancy perfumes.

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